13| Ghosts?

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Jungkook chuckled, putting down the grocery bags on the kitchen counter and Alice observed him from her spot, head still half in the kitchen sink. He had that careless boyish charm, body engulfed in a hoodie and raven hair falling in his eyes.

"I forgive you for throwing up in my sink," he announced, sending her a side grin.

Alice, blinked, suddenly feeling dizzy. Dark spots danced in front of her eyes and she sat down directly on the kitchen floor, hiding her face in her hands and rubbing her eyes.

"Are you okay?" inquired Jungkook, concern flashing in his gaze.

"Just give me a minute."

The boy started to empty the grocery bags on the kitchen counter, taking out vegetables, packs of meat, milk, and other ingredients before putting them away in the fridge and in the pantry.

Meanwhile, Alice was inspecting her surroundings, still sitting on the floor. Her head was pounding dully, but at least her vision had cleared.

"So, this is where you live," she asserted, looking around curiously.

The place was huge and very modern, in shades of black, white, and grey. The kitchen was narrow, built on the length, and a gigantic marble kitchen island with stools was taking most of the place. Large industrial lights were spread across the very high ceiling and the living room was further on the left while the dining room was on her right, near the entrance. Large windows were letting the natural light flow through, illuminating the wooden floor.

Everything was dazzlingly clean, and Alice had the general impression that she had been catapulted in an IKEA magazine.

"Well, yes, I live here, but this isn't my house," said Jungkook and he smiled mischievously.

"This isn't your house? So whose it is?" exclaimed Alice, snapping her face towards the boy.

He laughed at her intrigued glare, pushing his hands in his pocket.

"I'm house-sitting," he quietly explained, "Very rich people live here, but the whole family left three months ago. The father got a three-years contract in Shanghai and they needed someone to feed the cat and look after the house while they were gone."

"Wait... Do they pay you to live here?"

Jungkook chuckled as an answer. He handed Alice a box of Ibuprofen, which she gladly accepted. After swallowing two tablets the girl looked back at the man in front of her, eyes narrowing.

"You're smarter than I thought," she revealed.

Jungkook laughed and Alice tried to stand up, painfully leaning against the kitchen counter.

"So, what happened last night? Why am I here?"

Jungkook stopped laughing.

"You don't remember anything?"

"I remember entering the bar, after that it is a complete blank," she revealed.

"Well," said Jungkook, "I will tell you everything you want to know, but do you want something to eat first? I didn't have breakfast yet and I'm starving."

The girl frowned at the thought of food.

"I don't think I can swallow anything."

"I got some soup if you want," said Jungkook, opening the fridge, "Just vegetable broth, cabbage, carrots, peas, kidney beans and pasta. It's my mother's recipe and it always helps upset stomachs."

Alice recognized that it sounded pretty good. The girl suddenly noticed the stove clock. It was already 11am and she knew Megan would probably be worried about her absence at the apartment.

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