29| Rage

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At this point, Alice was very upset, enough to feel her eyes burn and her chest constrict as she stayed immobile, sitting on the cold ground beside the drinking fountain.

She didn't like at all the idea that Jungkook's entire coven knew about her powers. However, the fact that it was Jungkook that had told them, when she had specifically asked him not to do so, was much worse.

The betrayal hurt a lot.

I really thought he was different, I really thought that he was on my side, Alice thought, and she felt so stupid for trusting him, she felt like banging her head on the brick wall next to her. Instead of doing that, she stayed hidden in the corner near the drinking fountain for a while, thinking about what she should do next.

Three options were possible; confront him, forgive him, or forget about it.

A sudden wave of rage filled her body, making her grit her teeth.

How dumb was he that he could do something like that and think that she would never find out? If he really thought that there would be no consequences, he was definitely wrong.

The girl stood up, her initial sadness shifting to a cold anger. She suddenly felt like Jungkook had taken a piece of her, a secret, private part of herself, and had displayed it to all of his friends, exposing her shamelessly just for kicks.

She knew those thoughts were not rational and that there might have been an explanation to all of it. This sudden anger was exaggerated, but she couldn't help it. That's why in the end, she decided to choose a fourth option; get away from him to gather her thoughts and calm down before confronting him.

She knew that seeing him right now would only make her say things she would regret afterward. She was the kind of girl that could get ruled by her emotions sometimes.

So Alice stood up and made her way back to the field to look for Megan and tell her she was leaving.

Outside, the crowd was patiently waiting near the finish line for the first boys to arrive. The girl had been inside for a while now and she hoped that they wouldn't finish the competition before she could spot her friend and leave without being seen.

Megan wasn't too hard to find. She was talking to a group of friends near one of the tents, her blonde hair shining in the sun easy to spot in the crowd. Alice walked to her and nudged her shoulder from behind to get her attention.

She turned around and smiled at her roommate, blue eyes as sparkly as usual.

"Hey guys! Meet my friend Alice," she started, pulling her in their little circle.

The brunette wasn't in the mood to socialize and she gritted her teeth but smiled to everyone. She then grabbed Megan's hand and squeezed it to make her understand she needed her alone.

"What is it?" asked Megan.

Alice's face clearly told her that something wasn't right. She looked at Megan's friends like she didn't want to talk in front of them but finally let out a sigh and faced the blonde.

"I'm leaving."

Megan wasn't sure to understand what was going on.

"Wait you want to leave? Now? But what about the medal ceremony?"

"I don't care, I'm leaving," repeated Alice, and she was already turning around to go grab her gym bag in her own university tent.

Megan threw a sorry look to the rest of her friends. They all looked at Alice as she walked away, intrigued by her behaviour, but didn't say anything. In the end the blonde decided to follow her. She wasn't sure her friend was in her right mind and didn't want to leave her alone.

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