66| Go to Hell

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Holly shit, I'm alive.

Alice tried to open her eyes, but it felt particularly difficult. Her eyelids were suddenly heavier than normal and pretty much everything hurt. Her whole body felt stiff and painful, but the pounding at the back of her head was the worst of all. Finally, after taking a deep breath, the girl opened her eyes.

She was in a very small room; bare white walls, concrete floors and a closed metal door with a small squared window. Looking up despite her cramped neck, the girl noticed bloody hooks hanging from the low ceiling. She realized that she was in some kind of meat locker or restaurant fridge. Luckily for her, the refrigeration system wasn't on, so she wasn't freezing to death.

Looking down at herself, she realized that she was restrained to a chair, which was nailed to the ground. She couldn't move a muscle; her arms were attached with leather straps at multiple places flat on the armrests, to the point she couldn't even move her fingers. She tried to stretch and get rid of the cramps in her legs but attempting to move was futile and she knew that her old coven was smart enough to bind her to a chair in a way she wouldn't be able to escape.

She tried to use her powers but suddenly remembered that she couldn't and let out a small groan.

I just hope the others are alright.

The last thing she remembered was Yoongi looking at her. There was so much pain and misery in his eyes at that moment, thinking about it made her heart ache. She hoped with all her being that he had left in time with the others and was safe.

Thinking about it now, the fact that she was still alive could only mean that Yoongi didn't keep his promise and couldn't kill her in the end. Strangely enough, this revelation only made Alice's heart swell up in her chest. For now at least, she was glad to be alive. It meant that there was still a tiny chance that she could escape and get out of this situation.

The girl sighed heavily. Of course she was probably going to regret her hopefulness in a few instants when they were going to torture her...

Maybe she shouldn't have asked Yoongi to kill her in the first place. It was such a selfish thing to do, now that she thought about it. Either way, killing her or not killing her, Yoongi was destined to live with that guilt. Now, it was too late to think more about it anyway, all of it was already in the past.

A face suddenly appeared in the little submarine-like window adorning the door, which was pushed open, revealing Evanora, standing in all her glory against the brightness, her shadow stretching on the ground to Alice's feet.

"You're finally awake!" she exclaimed, a self-satisfied smile on her lips.

Alice simply frowned.

"I have food and water for you, dear," announced Evanora, as chirpy as ever.

She brought a chair into the room and sat in front of Alice, crossing her legs and looking at her curiously. Taking out a water bottle from her bag, she quickly opened it and brought the opening to Alice's lips.

The girl took a long sip obediently. She wasn't stupid enough to refuse some water and some food. If she wanted to escape, her body needed to be sustained. After that, Evanora took out a granola bar from her bag and opened the plastic wrapping, again, bringing the food to Alice's mouth.

The girl didn't argue and took a big mouthful, chewing fast. The fact that her grandmother was feeding her, just like the times she was sick when she was a child, crossed her mind. The situation was quite ironic.

"So, how do you feel?" Evanora started, her bright intelligent eyes scrutinizing her granddaughter.

Alice smiled back at her.

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