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Alice must have passed out. She half woke-up feeling the cold ground under her cheek. She tried to locate herself, but her surroundings were a blur and she couldn't move, paralyzed on the cold ground.

"This is going to be fun," said a voice in her ear.

She suddenly felt a hand caressing her naked leg and she tried to move away uselessly.

"My turn first, I found her," said another voice.

The person looked down at her from above and she recognized the moustache guy from the club, his beady eyes hungrily peering at her.

Alice, you need to defend yourself. You're a witch, you have powers, use them.

But the girl felt so weak, she wasn't able to get her mind to function correctly. The only thing she could do was to yell mentally, begging for anyone to hear her.

Help, help... please.

Megan would hear her if she was close enough... right? Telepathy was not Alice's specialty and she hoped with all her heart that her call had been successful.

A hand was now moving up her thigh, lifting up her skirt.

"Please..." she whispered, and more tears started to roll down her cheeks.

"What did she say?" asked another guy.

"I think she's begging us to fuck her hard," answered the man with the moustache.

The others laughed. The hand that was once on her leg was now roaming her upper body, feeling her breasts.

"Mmmh perky," said a hoarse voice in the girl's ear.

Now concentrate.

Her mind was so foggy, she knew that soon she would be unconscious again, so her only chance to use her powers to defend herself was right now. The girl tried to focus as best she could, but it wasn't easy with a man trying to lift up her tank top. She tried to calm down her breathing and felt the familiar tingle of energy inside her body, curling in her stomach and slowly reaching her extremities, spreading in her arms and legs.

"Why is she so cold?" suddenly asked the other man, his hand on Alice's calf.

"shut up Mike."

"I'm telling you," answered the one named Mike," She feels like a block of ice, it's not normal."

"Now spirits, listen. I can help you, if you help me," Alice clearly stated in her mind, "I can give you the power to leave this mortal realm if you just..."

Suddenly a hand grabbed Alice's hair. The guy with the moustache was trying to flip her over while the other one was still trying to take off her top.

"Mike, you can go back home now or shut up," one of them said.

Alice was now facing the cold ground and she started to shiver. She was cold but felt sweaty, just like if she had a fever. Her mind was once again leaping towards unconsciousness.

This time, she didn't force herself to stay awake. She was losing all hope of coming out of this situation unharmed, and she thought to herself that it was better to be unconscious than to be awake during an experience like this.

She was almost completely gone when a sudden scream woke her up.

"Don't you dare move!!"

Alice knew that voice, but she couldn't remember from where. Her body was paralyzed, but she was able to open her eyes slightly. With her cheek pressed against the ground, the only thing she could see was the moustache guy's shoes and the asphalt of the alley with a brick wall in the background.

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