58| Cursed

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In the dimmed lighting of the attic, Yoongi looked absolutely surreal. His alabaster skin was glowing, silky silvery hair forming a halo around his face and Alice thought he was properly breathtaking.

His hot mouth against hers wasn't helping. Neither was the fact that she could feel everything he was feeling using his powers. The simple brushing of his dick against her leg was making him shiver in delight and Alice moved her leg a little to push further, teasing him.

Yoongi moaned almost involuntarily and the girl thought it was the sexiest, most sensual thing she had ever heard in her life.

He moved his mouth to her jaw, kissing her there and went south, trailing his tongue on her neck and further between her breasts and stomach.

Alice, head thrown back, enjoyed the feeling of his burning tongue leaving a trail of tingles down her body. To her displeasure, he skipped her throbbing pussy to continue his way down to her thigh. Bending her knee a little with his hand to have a better access, he started to kiss the inside of her upper leg, grazing the soft skin with his teeth, which made her whole body tremble.

Her breathing accelerated as his mouth moved closer to her drenched core. Yoongi stayed there, a centimeter away from her wetness, without touching it, enjoying the feeling of the knot of tension and frustration that was forming in her stomach. He definitely liked teasing her and grinned at her irritation.

Suddenly, he blew some hot hair on her slit and the simple sensation made Alice buck her hips in his direction. However, Yoongi's hand still holding her leg maintained her very still. His other arm moved to her hips, pinning her down as his hot tongue finally licked her pussy harshly from the bottom to the top

Alice let out a gasp.

The sensation was heavenly.

She closed her eyes and enjoyed the marvelous feeling of Yoongi's hot tongue licking her most sensible area. When he started to suck her clit, Alice tried to buck her hips and arch her back. However, Yoongi's strong grip on her was forbidding any kind of movement.

He stayed like that for a while, drinking her juices, sucking and twisting his tongue on her.

"Oh god," Alice let out breathily, as Yoongi inserted one of his long pianist fingers, two knuckles deep inside of her.

He started moving, slowly getting deeper.

"I'm not god, I'm Yoongi," the boy said with a grin.

Alice's giggle changed into a long moan when Yoongi inserted a second digit.

He started to pump his fingers at a lazy pace, savouring every shudder of Alice's body against his hand as he languidly moved in and out of her. He joined his mouth again, licking and sucking at her juices, grazing her clit with his teeth.

Alice was burning under his touch. Little tingles of pure bliss were passing through her whole body and a film of perspiration glistened on her chest. Even if the heightened pleasure was making her eyes water, she still tried to keep her eyes wide open. Yoongi was so beautiful that she didn't want to look away for one second.

Eyes half closed, white dishevelled hair falling in his eyes, swollen lips digging in her pussy, throbbing cock leaking with precum, everything about him was stirring something in Alice's stomach, making her ache for more.

"Holly shit, you taste so fucking sweet," whispered Yoongi between her legs.

He had always been good at this. Feeling the girl's every sensation was a good way to know exactly what she needed, and needless to say that they would always come back for more.

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