41| Forty-two

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"Hi... it's Yoongi."

When Alice picked up the phone and heard the recognizable hoarse voice, her eyes widened in surprise. She was walking around campus, her books in hands, but stopped to sit on a bench and listen to him.

"What are you doing tonight?" he asked in a low voice.

Alice was going to answer, but got distracted when she heard familiar voices in the background behind Yoongi.

"No Tae! I'm not going to make it snow! I hate snow!"Jimin yelled.

"Shut up Jimin," said Yoongi in Alice's ear and the girl smiled.

"Buy me a new jacket and a new phone and maybe I will consider it," continued Jimin.

"Park Jimin! You're going to do this, or I swear to god I will tell everyone about the time you stuck you-know-what in your...."

Taehyung's voice suddenly cut, and Alice assumed that it was because Yoongi had left the room.

"I'm sorry for that," he said, and Alice could hear in his voice how annoyed he was, "I stole your number from Jungkook's phone actually... I really need to talk to you."

She heard the urgency in his voice, and knew it was something important.

"Sure. Do you want to meet?"

"Can I pick you up at 8? In front of your house tonight?"

"Yeah, that's good for me!"

"Why do you even need a new phone?" Taehyung's low voice asked in the background, and again, Alice assumed that they had followed Yoongi in whatever room he was.

"I told you! I lost mine!" Jimin answered.

"Then buy yourself a new one!"Taehyung argued.

"I also lost my wallet..."

"For god sake!! You two fuckers better get out or..." Yoongi's angry voice got cut in the middle of his sentence.

Alice looked at her phone and saw that he had hung up by accident and she chuckled, amused by their bickering.

"Hey! Why are you laughing?"

She looked up and her gaze met Jungkook's . He was coming back from a class too and was carrying around a big textbook, his usual bunny smile plastered on his lips.

"Nothing... Hi! How was your day?" she asked, beaming at him.

"Boring...I need to get to work right now, but do you want to go for a run later tonight?"

Now that the cross-country season was over, they didn't have to train regularly anymore, but they still both wanted to stay in shape during the off-season.


Meeting Yoongi shouldn't last too long, she thought.

"Want to meet at 9 at the park? This will make my boring day a lot less boring," he said, and he winked at her before turning around to walk to the subway station.

Alice smiled and stared at Jungkook's back until he disappeared down the road.


At 7:45 that night, Megan opened the door of her apartment and was surprised to realize the person who had just knocked was no other than Min Yoongi.

"Hi..." she said, unsure of the reason why he was standing in her entrance.

"Is Alice here?" he asked without any introduction.

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