69| Allegiance

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Alice was shivering against the floor. She hadn't eaten in three days and was tired of the torture, the pain, and the sadness to a point she had given up on the illusion that somehow, she would be able to get out of there alive. She was just hoping that death would come soon, so she could see Megan again.

The girl sat up with her back against the cold wall and tried to cover herself as much as she could with her blanket.

She thought about Namjoon, Jimin, Jin, and Hoseok, and how she had grown to like them, how they were all smart and funny and didn't deserve to be mixed in her drama. She thought about Taehyung and how he had made Megan smile, she could even say that she would miss him too. Thinking about Jungkook make her heart tighten. He could be so compassionate, so honest, genuine and sweet.

Yoongi's face crossed her mind, but she simply shook it off. Thinking about him was physically painful, and she was already suffering enough right now.

Felix had been particularly rough the day before, and he had punched her in the face a few times, enough to cut her skin and make her left eye swell to the point she couldn't see anything. As usual, she was drenched from the buckets of water and felt so weak she couldn't even get up.

Her half-conscious state explained why she didn't hear the sudden agitation that happened a little further. Even when Jimin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Namjoon, Megan and Jungkook, led by Juliet, sneaked inside the factory, Alice didn't hear a thing.

To her defense, there wasn't even a real fight to hear.

Juliet's plan was to sneak in Evanora's room and kill her in her sleep. After that, once she would be dead, the others wouldn't have a choice but to give her their allegiance.

It was about 4am, and everyone was sound asleep when Namjoon and the others arrived into the building. Juliet had informed a few loyal coven members of what was going to happen, so they figured out a way to make her arrival unknown.

Jimin and Hoseok stayed behind and guarded the doors to make sure no one would escape. Meanwhile, Megan, Yoongi, and Jungkook were to rescue Jin, Taehyung, and Alice. However, as Yoongi was to follow the two others, Namjoon held him back.

"No, you're coming with me," the leader whispered.

Yoongi sent him a troubled glare. Every atom in his body wanted to go check if Alice was alright, but he didn't say a thing and swallowed back his emotions, following the leader without a word. Namjoon wanted to stay close to Juliet to make sure she wouldn't play any dirty tricks on them. Having Yoongi around was a silent threat that if she did a wrong move, Yoongi could snap her neck at any second. Both boys followed her tall figure further inside the cold building.

Meanwhile, in another dark corridor two levels below, Jungkook and Megan were trying to locate where their friends were held captive.

"Wait, I recognize this place," whispered Megan, gesturing to the dark passage ahead of them, "They brought me here the first night, I think Taehyung and Jin are in this direction."

Jungkook quickly nodded and followed her closely, his heart beating fast in his ears. He didn't like this place at all. Everything around him was obscure, cold and dirty. He felt as if someone could jump out of a dark corner to attack him at any time. He suddenly saw some movement a little further and he quickly pulled Megan back, hiding behind something that looked like a hot water tank.

"Someone is there," he muttered.

Megan peeked around and saw that it was true, someone was standing in front of a door, guarding it.

"Well, we found them," realized the girl, and without a word, she quickly left her hideout to run towards the tall man.

He didn't have the time to say anything, he was already on the floor, electrocuted by Megan's lightning.

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