67| Evil

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The metal door opened again, and Alice didn't even look up.

She was absolutely drained of all her energy. It had been four days since she had first awakened. Four days of torture and interrogation. Four days of broken limbs and Felix's face above hers, the bloody hammer in his hand.

Evanora hadn't come back once, which was a good sign. It meant that she still hadn't caught Yoongi and the others and that she was still unable to control Taehyung's powers.

Alice would have liked to say that she was still as strong as ever, pushing through the pain and not giving them anything. The truth, however, was that she was getting more tired every day. She was hungry and cold and hurt. Now that both her hands and her feet had been nailed to her chair and broken, the tiniest shiver, the most insignificant movement was physically agonizing. Breathing was tedious, her body was cramped from staying attached all the time and she was feeling lightheaded from the loss of blood.

The last time Felix had come, she had passed out from the pain after he had nailed her foot to the chair. He didn't even have the time to break all of her toes or ask her again and again what the antidote was, she was already unconscious after five minutes.


Alice looked up and opened her mouth in shock. She really thought that the door had opened to let Felix come in again, but it wasn't him at all.

"Jin?" she asked, incredulous.

Indeed, the tall boy was standing right in front of her and the girl smiled sadly at him. He didn't look so good. He was as white as a leaf and had a black eye, matching with many other bruises on his face.

"You have five minutes," said Felix, before he closed the door on both of them.

That's when she noticed the hammer in Jin's hand and her smile changed into a wince of pure horror and shock. At first, Jin didn't get her reaction, but when he saw that her eyes were fixed on the hammer, he dropped it on the ground and lifted his hands in the air, showing that he had nothing to hide.

"No, no! Don't worry, I won't hurt you! I'm here to help!" he quickly whispered, "They want me to heal you."

Alice took a deep breath before she lowered her gaze to the ground.

"You shouldn't," she said, "They just want me to heal so that they can hurt me again."

Jin looked at her broken, swollen hands, fingers sticking in abnormal angles, the puddles of dried blood on the floor and Alice's hopelessness and he started to cry.

"I'm sorry," he said, quickly wiping away his tears, feeling like a fraud crying when he wasn't the one attached to a chair with broken limbs, "I have to heal you, or they will hurt Taehyung."

"Is he alright?" asked Alice, still looking down.

Jin slowly picked up the hammer on the ground and approached her, kneeling in front of her to be at her level.

"Yeah, he's alright I think," he whispered, "They keep him awake all the time because they think it will weaken his mental barriers and your grandmother will be able to reach his powers more easily this way... so I don't think he slept even once since we got here, but they didn't physically hurt him yet."

Jin was shaking a little and his breath hitched in his throat when he observed Alice's hand from closer. All her fingers were blue, purple, and black, some of her nails had even fell down, and at multiple places, the bones were sticking out, puncturing the flesh. He needed to remove the nails before healing her, and he knew very well that it would hurt like hell, especially because the skin around the injuries was so inflamed. He tried to be as fast as possible, using the claw of the hammer like a lever to dig up the metal piece.

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