#47 - Awkward start to the relationship.

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You had always thought that things were awkward between the two of you but you didn't know why. Sometimes you were being a bit shy because you secretly had a crush on this boy. It wasn't because he was famous or the fact that he had lots of money but it was because you loved his smile and the way his curls bounced and shook when he moved (unless he had lots of hairspray in them, but you get my drift, hopefully). He was on tour so you barely got to see him but you went to a few of the shows. He always made sure that you got to go backstage or get on the tour bus after. The fans already thought that you were having a secret relationship but truth was it's just a really good, close friendship.

You and the boys and another few people were sat on the tour bus after one of the shows. Brad looked really tired and started to lean closer and closer towards you until he eventually had his head rested on your shoulder. One by one someone got off the bus or went to the bunks to get some rest. In the end it was just a bored you and a sleeping Brad. He woke up and he was slightly disorientated but you rubbed circles on his shoulder until he was fully awake and aware.

He looked around and noticed that everyone had left.

"Where is everyone?" He asked.

"They either got off or they're asleep on the bunks." You replied.

"Why are you still here then?" He questioned again.

"Because you were asleep on my shoulder and I didn't want to move and wake you so I just stayed here." You said.

"Well... Erm... Thanks... Yeah." He stuttered.

You just smiled not knowing what else to say.

"You can go now if you want." He said.

You didn't want to leave but you didn't want to stay and make it awkward.

You stood up and walked down the bus to the door. Brad stayed where he was and didn't follow.

You just about to step down the little stairs to the door.

"Wait!" Brad shouted. Then he realised that some people were asleep, he told you to go back to where you were sitting before you got up to leave.

You went back and Brad stood inches away from you.

"Please don't go, I don't know why I said that before, the truth is..." He paused.

"What Brad?" You said.

"No, it doesn't matter, forget I even said that." He said shaking his head.

"Brad if you don't tell me I'm going to get off this bus right now." You said.

You waited a few seconds and then turned to leave but he grabbed your wrist.

"Just wait a minute and I'll tell you... I ... I..." He said but paused again.

"I'm leaving." You said in anger.

"I don't want you to go because I like you." He blurted out.

Your mouth dropped open as you struggled for words.

"Say something then." He said as he started to get slightly annoyed.

"Erm... I like you too." You replied.

"Really?" He asked.

"No!" You said sarcastically.

He lightly hit your arm and then pulled you in for your first kiss.



James had gone out to pick up the Nando's that you ordered, leaving you, Connor, Brad and Tristan. You looked around, all of the boys looked really nervous. They nodded at each other and then looked at you.

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