#51 - He can't stop talking about you.

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You were on the tour bus with the boys. Everything seemed to be the same everyday new hotel, fans, driving on the tour bus, fans, new hotel, fans etc. You were on the bus as a kind of comfort and close friend for each of the boys. For some reason you felt like you were closer to Connor than any of the other boys. It was just every picture that people took of you getting off the tour bus with the boys, Connor was always the closest or protecting you. When you were in hotels you had a room to yourself so that the fans wouldn't speculate anything.

It was the journey from one city/town to another. You'd lost track of when and where you were going. The boys were on the Xbox and you decided to go for a little sleep in the bunks.

About three hours later you woke up and went to join the boys again. When you reached them they suddenly went quiet almost into an awkward silence due to your presence. Brad stood up and left, looking a bit red cheeked.

You let it pass and thought it was something to do with what the boys were talking about. You sat down, as you did, Connor, James and Tristan turned around to look at you.

"I'm not even kidding if you don't talk to Brad or kiss him, I will squeeze your heads together and force your lips to touch." James said.

"What's going on?" You questioned.

"It's Brad. He won't stop talking about you and it's getting boring. Not that you're boring he's being so repetitive, talking about you to us when he should be saying everything to you." James replied.

"Some things are really cute and other things we just don't want to know about. We see you as our best friend and we want to keep it that way without Brad saying all the creepy things about you that will stick in our minds." Tristan added.

You didn't know what to say. Shocked. Surprised. And speechless you decided that you might be able to make a little more sense out of the subject from Brad.

"Brad, why did you leave before?" You asked.

"I was embarrassed." He answered.

"Embarrassed about what? I don't understand." You said.

"I was embarrassed because I thought you might have heard everything that I said before." He replied.

"What were you saying? Don't worry you can tell me, I won't overreact." You stated calmly.

"I was saying things like; you're pretty, beautiful, gorgeous, talented and hopefully my future girlfriend." He said shyly.

"Brad you should have just told me. That's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me." You looked at Brad, his cheeks were a deep red colour and he wouldn't give you any eye contact.

You sat down next to him and put your arm round his neck slightly pulling on a curl. He looked up and smiled at you before resting his head against you.



"James shut up before I come and glue your lips together." You heard Brad shout as you walked into the room.

When you walked in you felt all eyes on you. What had happened?

You and the boys had planned a movie day and Brad, Connor and Tristan's girlfriends were all coming later on which meant you had some time with them before the other girls came.

You thought the argument was about what film you wanted to watch first or something, but it wasn't. But it took a while to figure that out.

You watched movie after movie and ate loads of popcorn. Eventually the other girls came and you got on with them really well. It was slightly awkward because they all had boyfriends in the band and you were just a friend of the boys. The girls dropped little hints about things and giggled every time they mentioned the name... James.

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