19/ So Wrong, So Right

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"I don't want to go." FP sighs as he kisses her.

"I don't want you to." She kisses him again. "The kids will be done school in a bit though."

"I think we're going to have to make these little breakfast dates a regular thing." He suggests, wrapping his arms around her waist.

"Agreed, you're a good cook."

He smirks and pokes her side. "Don't act so surprised, I'm a parent too, I had to learn how to cook for my children."

"I'm not surprised," she insists. "you're good at a lot of things." He can hear the innuendo in her voice and his eyebrow quirks.

"Oh yeah?"

She nods. "Which is why I like when we have time alone," she snakes her arms around him. "I very much enjoy helping you polish your skills."

"Believe me, I enjoy it too." He leans his head down and presses a kiss to her neck. He feels her hands slide down his back and feels her put something in his back pocket. He pulls away and raises an eyebrow at her. He feels the lacy garment of her panties and smirks. "What's this for?"

"As worried as I was that the kids would find my panties, I thought it was kind of hot that you had them." She explains. "And now that I know where these ones are I won't worry as much. Just don't lose them, because I will kill you if the kids find them."

"You're kinda hot when you're threatening to kill me."

She shakes her head and pulls him into a kiss, he stuffs the garment back into his pocket in favour of wrapping his arms around her, pulling her tight to him.


"It's snowing!" Betty cheerily announces as she walks inside.

"It is?"

"Well it's snowing very lightly, but still, it's snowing." Betty smiles giddily. "Can we get out the Christmas decorations?"

"Elizabeth, is November. We haven't even celebrated thanksgiving yet."

"Can we put up our Christmas decorations after Thanksgiving?"

"Yes, honey." Alice chuckles at her excitement for the holiday. "Now, tell me about your day. How was school?"

"Good, Juggie and I worked on the paper during lunch. The teacher says we have a really bright future in journalism."

"I've always told you that too." Alice presses a kiss to the top of her head. "You're really falling for this Jones boy, aren't you?"

Betty blushes. "Yeah, mom, I am. He's really great, he's all I ever looked for in a relationship."

"I'm happy for you, sweetheart. I'm glad you found someone so special to you."

"Thanks mom." Betty smiles. "I'm going to go do my homework, unless you need help with dinner?"

"No it's alright, I've got it handled."

As soon as Betty leaves the room she's overrun with guilt. It's so wrong for her to be sleeping with her daughter's boyfriends father, it's so wrong and she constantly feels guilty about it. But it's hard to feel bad about it when it feels so right.

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