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I laughed. I laughed so hard as I walked away, listening to him pleading with her to listen.

He'd been playing us both the whole time. And I couldn't believe I'd fallen for it. I had allowed him back into my heart and he had torn it apart. And by the sound of Emma's shouting, I hadn't been the only one. And he wasn't lying his way out of it this time. He had lost us both.

I laughed all the way home on the train, and I continued to laugh until I got to my front door. I'd been so stupid. It was obvious that he was still with her. That's why her things were at his place. Why he had gone weird after our three days together. He'd got her pregnant. He might have told me he loved me, but he was never going to be mine.

It was only when I sat down on the sofa of my small flat that I realised what had happened. There had been a future for us. I'd had everything and I'd finally felt happy. My laughter slowed, quieting until tears began to flow and I didn't know how I'd ever stop them.

End of part two

Stay turned for part three. I'll post a link here, but if you're not already, follow me for instant updates :)

Thanks to you beautiful guys who've stuck by for the last few months. It's a pleasure to write for you all

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