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I couldn't help but grin to myself. The little winky emoticon had pretty much told me that I wasn't imagining that he was being overly familiar with me. But what happened next confirmed it.

*ill cum for u tonite ;)* The second I hit send I realised my phone had autocorrected 'cook' to 'cum' and there was nothing I could do about it. I near enough screamed out loud.

*oh god! no I meant COOK* I quickly typed and sent.

I heard his phone ping to say he'd received it and two seconds later, the loudest laugh I'd ever heard from four feet away. I leaned out the bunk, making my head swim, and saw him sat in the living area. Woody shot him a confused glance. I hadn't known he'd been right there with the boys. I hid back in my bunk with my face burning and my heart somewhere in my stomach.

*either sounds good* He replied within seconds. What? Had this just taken a very different turn? I didn't respond straight away. I didn't mind a little harmless flirting, it was all in good fun, but not while he was sat next to my brother!

*dan :o*

*lily :)*

*omg shut up* I finished responding to him, hoping that would be the last of that sort of behaviour. I couldn't deny it had lightened up my day a little though. It had been a funny mistake.

[[[all of my flaws]]][[[part ii]]]Where stories live. Discover now