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We arrived to glorious sun shine in Ireland. Though it was late October, the weather had been surprisingly good during this tour. Leaves had began to drop, but the air was warm enough to walk around in tshirts. There was always time to kill while we waited for things to get set up for sound check so we were sitting on empty beer crates by the back door to the venue.

'Lets get a paddling pool.' Kyle grinned. Will, Woody and I exchanged unsure glances. 'I fancy having a beer with my feet in a paddling pool.'

'Good luck finding one.' Will told him. I highly doubted we'd be able to find one this close to winter. But Kyle went off to prove us all wrong. I shook my head and laughed. It was warm but not warm enough for that. Hadn't we learnt our lessons the other day in Bournemouth?

I found Lily hidden away in the dressing room a while later on the phone and laptop at the same time, seemingly arguing with someone on the other end.

'I'm telling you right now, we haven't got time to fit a video shoot in on those days, especially not in Austria. Yes, they are off. They are days off. You cannot expect them to work fifteen days straight. No.' I watched her from the doorway. She was so full of fire. If she said something, then that was that. It was being done, or in this case, not done. 'Move it. Move it now. I don't care when to. Thanks. Bye.' She hung up and blew her cheeks out.

'Whats that about?' I asked, opening myself a bottle of water and indicating if she wanted one too.

'Video shoot for Things We Lost In The Fire.' She nodded, I threw her one, which she caught single handedly and she continued to speak. 'They want you all on Thursday for two days. I told them no. I'm not having you waste your two days off plus flying out there and being on set for 24 hours.'

'I don't mind-' I began.

'I do. Last thing I need is one of you going down with exhaustion.' I just smiled at her, purposefully trying to make her uneasy like yesterday morning. 'Go away.' She laughed and launched a dirty sock at me. I did as I was told, chuckling all the way back outside.

Kyle had reappeared an hour later, holding up high above his head, a paddling pool.

'No way.' I laughed.

An epic water fight broke out. The £14 paddling pool was probably the best thing he'd ever bought. It had taken roughly a million buckets to fill it, but it had been so worth it. Pint glasses, bowls, empty beer cans full of water were being thrown in every direction. I only wished he'd bought water guns too!

[[[all of my flaws]]][[[part ii]]]Where stories live. Discover now