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I felt uneasy with the way he seemed to be watching me. It wasn't anything obvious. Just the odd glance back during the car ride to the tv station. It wasn't a bad thing at all. But with the way my mind was filling with impure thoughts about things I'd like to do to him, he wasn't helping matters. It was ridiculous. Eight days ago I'd not wanted to be in the same room as him, never mind having visions of kissing him. Or running my hand through that long messy hair of his. Or stroking the stubble on his chin.


He was my charge. My job was to get him places, feed him, get him on stage every night. Nothing else. I must had to keep reminding myself why we were exes. Why I had walked out on our seven days of marriage. He'd hidden job interviews from me. He had prevented me from earning my own money. He'd done just what Steven had done.

But then, he had allowed me into his home, he had bought me clothes and fed me. Wasn't him that had also given me the idea of becoming a tour manager? Without that step up, lord knows where I could've ended up.

Anyway, he had a girlfriend. Maybe. I wasn't sure. But he certainly had some of his own issues to sort out. He didn't want me coming in and tearing up his life for a second time.

'You guys ok for a minute while I go grab a coffee?' I asked as they all entered the radio studio. There was never anything for me to do while they were being interviewed or photographed. I didn't wait for their replies. I needed caffeine to get me through this day. But no matter how much I drank I couldn't stop yawning.

Once they were done with that, it was back to the bus parked outside the Glasgow venue and an hour of much needed sleep. My hangover had taken a nasty turn, putting me off food and just wanting to curl into a ball and die.

'Woody, you're in charge for an hour. Please don't steal any buses, don't do anything stupid.' I looked right at Kyle. It went against everything I'd been taught; never leave bands unattended. Especially a band full of hyperactive and mischievous men.

'Me?!' Kyle threw his hands up in defence. I pointed right at him. It was him I trusted the least, with his cheeky smile.

'You.' I glared, but with a smile.

I crawled into my bunk, not even removing my shoes and instantly fell asleep.

[[[all of my flaws]]][[[part ii]]]Where stories live. Discover now