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By the end of round five, Coop and Greg had bailed, Kyle was sat in his boxers and Will wasn't much better off. Ben had just his socks left. Lily and I had remained fully clothed to this point. I couldn't pretend that I didn't want to beat her. She knew all about my competitive streak. And even part of me wanted to see her strip.

'Aces high.' Will laid his cards down. Kyle yelled in despair, threw his cards away and pulled off his boxers. He flicked them at Will and ran off, his pale ass dancing down the hall.

'Two pair.' Lily grinned. Safe for another round. I sighed and took off my jeans. The next one didn't go so well for Will or Ben.

'I'll save your innocent eyes, young lady.' Will said, graciously bowing out along with Ben. Leaving just Lily and I. There was a moment where I thought she'd want to stop playing, but she dealt another hand.

'Ready?' She grinned. I liked this side of her. When she was most relaxed.

'Lets go.' I winked. I took up my hand and cursed silently. I'd need some good pick ups if I were to pull this back. Or she would need a bad hand. I couldn't read her face. I regarded her closely, but she gave no hint of her cards.

'Tshirt.' She said. She took a long sip of her beer.

'Tshirt and trousers.' I raised her.

'Everything off.' She must've had a good hand. It was all or nothing. I put down my hand, a pair of jacks and two fours. I watched her face, once so confident and sure, drop.

'YES!' I howled. She put down four sixes. Not good enough. I didn't expect her to actually go through with it, but sure enough she started taking off her trousers, her socks, standing up to shimmy out of them. I didn't take my eyes off her. She lifted the hem of her shirt up over her head, revealing her stomach and chest. I felt my heart race in my chest and myself become aroused. I couldn't believe she was actually doing this. I couldn't let her do this. 'Stop.' I sighed.

'You won.' She laughed and went to remove her bra.


'Don't you wanna see me naked?' She grinned. 'Again.' She whispered.

'Well yeah, but. Wait. No. I mean-' I couldn't look at her anymore. This was wrong. My mind was racing along with my heart now. I would very much like to dive at her and take her right there on the sofa. I wanted to feel her skin, to kiss every inch of her like I used to. I wanted a night with my wife. But it wouldn't be a good idea for either of us. She was my tour manager. I'd just broken up with my girlfriend. We'd both had a lot to drink. 'Not like this.' I told her.

She didn't seem offended or annoyed. She laughed as she got her clothes back on.

'I'll beat you next time.' She winked and headed to bed. I sat there for a little while. Thinking. I'd very much wanted something to happen. That was undeniable. Not because she was a very beautiful woman, but because I'd missed her so much. I had once known every mole, every freckle, every scar. She filled my mind.

[[[all of my flaws]]][[[part ii]]]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon