Deja Vu (Part 18)

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Colby's POV

I woke up the next morning in an empty bed. I could hear Kaylee I'm the bathroom throwing up. Shit this is like Deja Vu she did this last time when she was..... Oh shit is she pregnant again. I laid back down  and went back to sleep after awhile and I am awoken by someone playing with my hair. "Baby, we need to talk."
Kaylee whispers.

                               Trap House🏚


Devyn♥️: Okay coming down now

We all make our way down to the living room and sit down. Kaylee then comes down and starts to talk. "So as you guys may know I didn't feel well last night, I woke up this morning throwing up and I took a pregnancy test and it was positive. I'm pregnant." Everyone's jaws dropped shocked. Kaylee stood their nervous from the silence. I got up and kissed her and then we heard screaming and clapping. "I'm gonna be an aunty." Corey screams. We all hug and then go our separatists ways for the day. Kaylee has an appointment on the doctors today to check on the baby. Our 2 year anniversary is tomorrow. It would be Jade's first birthday. I miss her so much. We go to the doctors office and they take Kaylee and I into a room. "Okay so this jelly is gonna be cold." The doctors says smiling. "Holy shit that is cold." Kaylee says under her breath. The doctor looks slightly confused and pulls another doctor into the room to take a look. "Is everything alright with our baby." Kaylee and I say in unison. "Actually everything is fine but it's babies on baby." I look at Kaylee and see tears fall from her eyes. "We are having twins."
She says proud. "Come back at 25 weeks and we can tell the gender." I decided to text the group chat since everyone was out doing their own thing.

                             Trap House🏚

Colby: we just got finished at the doctors. Only difference though is Kaylee's pregnant with twins.

Devyn♥️: Corey and I say Congrats♥️♥️♥️

Jake😝: I'm so happy for you guys.

Brother♥️♥️: Kat and I are so happy for you!!

Kat👑: yes we are, can't wait to meet those babies. 😱😍.

Like I figured they were all supportive. We went home and we watched a movie. It was so early into the pregnancy that Kaylee didn't even have a baby bump yet. We sat on the couch and turned on a movie. You were about an hour into the movie when I felt Kaylee's head drooping. I grabbed your head with my hand and laid on my shoulder. After about 20 minutes I felt my eyes getting heavy then blackness. I am awoken by someone tapping me I look up and see that its Sam. "Bro do you need a blanket or anything?" He whispers while moving my hair out of my face. "Yes please and thank you, and what time is it?"He hands me the blanket and then answers my question. "It's only 10 pm, Kat and I just got home. We were gonna watch a movie down here is that okay?" "Yeah that's fine bro, I'll watch it with you cause Kaylee isn't getting up anytime soon she is out like light. She took NyQuil because she didn't feel good." I say still whispering. Sam and Kat then walk into the living room quietly and sit right next to me. Sam was in the middle of Kat and I and Kaylee was on my left side sleeping. After awhile I felt my eyes getting heavy and then my head fall on something and then I was out.

Sam's POV

We were about a hour into the movie when Kat taps me to look and Colby. Colby is in and out of sleep with his head bobbing. His head then rolls backwards onto the back of the couch and then falls on my shoulder. I look back at Kat and smile. Kat put her arm on the back of my neck and plays with Colby's hair. After a while of Kat doing that he started to snore so we knew he was out. She stopped playing with his hair and then moving to my hair. She started to tickle my neck and I felt my self drifting off. I then feel my head being slightly pushed back so my head was on the back of the couch and o then feel Kat lay on my shoulder and then we were all out like lights. Kat and I woke up by Corey and Devyn leaving but I can't move because of Colby. Kaylee was now gone. She must have went upstairs or to the bathroom. Kat and I made breakfast for Colby and Kaylee. Colby was still passed out on the couch when Kaylee came downstairs. "You okay?" I asked. "Yeah just stupid morning sickness nothing new." She says laughing. "Where's Colby." She asks after we laugh. "Still knocked out on the couch." I say trying not to burst into laughter. Kaylee then runs into the living room and I hear Colby scream. "OW." "Oh shut up you love me." I hear Kaylee yell back. "Come on love birds breakfast is done." I say back. They come into the kitchen and eat. Kaylee's phone goes off and her spirit completely drops. "Baby are you okay?" Colby asks concerned. "It's my ex." "Give me your phone." Colby says agitated. "No Colby it's not w- ." "JUST give me the phone.... I'm sorry I yelled just give me phone." Colby calls the number and instantly loses his cool. "Hollywood Boulevard noon be there so I can't beat your ass." I hear his ex talk back. "You better watch what you say pretty boy you'll be dead by the end of the night Kaylee's mine she always has been." Colby then laughs hysterically into the phone. "SHUT THE FUCK UP. Also I'm gonna win tonight just like I won her." "ARE YOU FUCKING STUPID COLE." Kaylee screams. "He won't hurt you again Kaylee, I am going and Sam and Corey are coming with me."

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