47. I'm Forgetful.

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apt or likely not to remember.

Quite heavy angst i guess , depression , anxiety

"Um, shitty glasses? What the fuck was that?"

"Oh! Levi, it's nothing. Don't worry about it! You need to rest."

"This whole living together shit isn't going to work if we're not honest with each other. So if you wouldn't mind, explain."

Hanji had to come up with some kind of explanation quickly, and on the spot. This was where her true creativity was tested.

"Eren has these...episodes. He'll black out and tend to forget things. The blood of alphas bring him back to reality. It's an omega thing."

Levi genuinely looked like he was buying the story. But how long would he believe it for? If they never find a way to reverse the effects of the serum, what would they do?

What would they tell Levi when Petra never comes home? Would telling Levi scare him away? Push him further away from Eren?


"Fuck, fuck, fuck!"

Eren gripped his hair tightly, pulling at it hard enough for some to fall out.

He felt so...defeated. Like the world was against him, waiting for him to break any moment.

He's an omega, wanting his alpha to love him, and eventually mark him. They'd only ever briefly touched on the subject. The marking process was special. They wanted it to be at the right time.

Levi wanted it to be when Eren asked. He didn't want it to be forced, neither did Eren. But they didn't want it to be planned. It had to be unexpected and spontaneous.

Now it felt like there was no chance of that ever happening. Not with Levi, and probably not with anyone else. Eren doesn't fall in love easily, so he'll probably never fall for someone again.

If he ever made that mistake, and makes it to the marking stage, or even past that, and Levi was to suddenly remember, He'd go back. To Levi. In a heartbeat.

An omega could only be remarked by another alpha, if both parties agree. Which is usually the case. But the first time being marked, is the most special - they have the deepest connection and meaning. The more an omega is marked, the less special it is.

"I'm never getting marked. We're never getting married. We're never having a family. Children? I'm never fucking dying, I'm a vampire! He'll never realise that Petra isn't real. But if he does, and doesn't remember me, he'll fall in love with someone else."

The tears began to fall, and the hair pulling intensified. Eren's back hit the wall, and he slid down. Knees to his chest. Hands cupping his face. Loud sobs filling the room.

Knock knock.

"Oi brat. You okay?"

This was the last person Eren wanted to see and talk to.

"Do I look okay to you?"


"Then why ask?"

"Human decency."


Levi approached Eren, taking a seat next to him. In the cleanest spot he could find, of course.

He didn't know how to comfort people, nor how to deal with emotions like this.

"Would I be more of a dickhead for asking what's wrong?"

"I don't want to talk about it. So yes, you would be."

"All this anger, why take it out on me?"

"I'd usually take it out on myself. But I made a promise to the person I love, to never do it again. I'm not the type of person to break promises with so much meaning."

"How can a brat like you love someone? You're young. How can you even understand love? Why not just live life?"

"That's funny. He'd say the complete opposite. He wanted me to chase my dreams and what makes me happy. And that's what he was, so I went after him."

"You love him that much? It's strange. I've never really considered love to be felt so strongly."

"I loved him with every bone in my body. I would've given up everything to be with him. I wanted to give him everything he deserved. He made me feel alive. He made me feel like there was a reason for living in this damned world. This cruel world is undeserving of people like him. He meant the world to me. He was my world."

"You talk of him in the past. What happened?"

"Bad people tore us apart. He stopped loving me, and started loving someone else. He doesn't even acknowledge me anymore. But I still look at him like he's the only thing that matters in this world."

"Tch. He sounds like a fool. You deserve better. Don't waste your time on someone who doesn't want it."

"If only you knew."

Levi stood up, hovering over Eren.

"I'll be cooking dinner. If you feel like it, eat with us. Hopefully when Petra's home, we'll feel like more of a family."

Levi walked out the room, leaving Eren and his thoughts alone.

"Family was supposed to be my safe haven. But it was the place I found the most damage and heartbreak."



"Hanji, you need to send that boy to therapy. He's got some serious pent up emotions and is hung up on some dude that apparently doesn't love him."

"I don't think therapy is what he need Levi. He's had a tough couple of years, and you're not helping. Just leave him be."

He's had a rough couple of years.


Why can't I remember anything ... from the last year? Or the year before that?

The last thing I remember

I was in an office, working...

Hanji and ... Erwin?


"Yes shorty?"

"Who's Erwin?"

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