33. I'm Weak.

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1. lacking the power to perform physically demanding tasks; having little physical strength or energy.
2.liable to break or give way under pressure; easily damaged.

Hanji exited the room abruptly, shooting a quick glance at me before returning it to the direction she was walking in. I listened carefully for her footsteps to slowly fade out, hinting she could no longer hear anything I was about to say.

"Sasha! You can't just go around telling everything what happened! I don't want Levi getting hurt, not again."

She looked at me and smiled sadly. "Eren, you know how the timeline works,"She took a few steps closer to me before continuing "Levi always finds out."

I didn't want to admit it, but she was telling the truth. But who said she has the right to tell Hanji?

"That's not the point, Sasha. It's my life, which means I should be the one to tell Hanji."

"You've already told her you're a vampire, right? What's the harm in telling her you and Levi are star-crossed lovers, where your beautiful love story ends in the death of you both?"

This isn't like Sasha, she's not like this. She would never tell Hanji, she'd know it's my responsibility to tell everyone. Her personality is different. She's different.


I growled instantaneously, my omegan instincts to protect myself kicking in. Being away from Levi for so long meant I had to learn how to protect myself, as my alpha wasn't around to protect me. I never liked the idea of being protected anyway.

I released some sort of pheromones. I couldn't tell if they were ones of uneasiness, or fear.

"Poor omega, releasing his pheromones so his big, bad alpha can come save him. Levi hasn't marked you yet, which means you're up for grabs, right?"

"Levi is my mate! I love him, and I'd never leave him for a despicable alpha like you!"

This time I bore my teeth, growling again. The alpha seemed to be taken aback by my teeth boring, making me realise I must've showed my fangs.

"So it's true? The vampires are alive. And they're using the angel hound as a tool to bring back their kingdom. Pathetic."

"I'm no tool, and I'm certainly not looking to take back any kingdom. We just want to live peacefully."

"Tell me, have you fed yet? Or do you still feel the painful quenching of your throat every time you hear the word blood."

My throat suddenly became sore and scratchy, and then the hunger kicked in.

"S-stop, please."

I was distracted from the pain in throat as a familiar scent filled my nose. I inhaled the calming and relaxing pheromones, finally knowing that Levi had received my cry for help.

"The thirst, it kicks in whenever you hear the word blood. And it will, until you feed and indulge in it. But you don't want to, because that's what monsters do, right? Face it, angel hound, you're a monster. Not an angel, not an omega, not a vampire. A monster."

I fell to the ground heavily, gripping my throat. I calmed slightly at the pheromones being released by Levi, him obviously being very near.

"You're a monster, angel hound. You shouldn't be loved. You should be shunned. Monsters don't deserve happy endings in this world."

"Don't ever talk to my omega like that, ever again."

"L-Levi, you're here."

In this moment, Levi saw how weak I really am. Being a vampire, makes me weak. Making the decision not to feed as I have a sense of morality? Weakness. If I don't feed, I'll always be weak.

I don't want to be weak. I want to be able to protect myself and the people around me. How could someone as weak as me ever stand a chance of doing that?

I began to stand up when the demon suddenly charged at Levi, his claws ready to slice him.

I concentrated on his hand, and commanded "stop."

The demon stopped, his claws about an inch away from Levi's face. I hadn't used my special abilities in a while, but it felt good. It was like I was finally becoming myself again, and didn't need to worry about losing myself.

"Next time you try to attack the demon hound, I suggest you try to remember we protect each other. I may be unmarked, but that doesn't mean I want any other alpha. I recommend that you leave, and tell whoever sent you that we do not intend to start a war, we just want peace."

I released my hold on my stop command, the demon's arm dropping beside his waist. He shot me a cold glare. Not just a usual one - it was one that stung and would remain. As if a reminder that I'll never escape. I'll Never be free.

"Levi, I'm so sorry I let him nearly hurt you."

Levi just stood there. He didn't move, he didn't speak, nothing.


"If you're hiding things from me, I strongly suggest you fess up before I investigate myself."

He said that, and left.

No goodbye. No 'I love you.' He just ... left?


Time : 2:46pm
Location : Hell

3rd person;
"Well? Did you do it??"

"No, Marco, I didn't. Turns out the stupid vampire race was never eradicated and the two hounds have finally 'reunited'."

The stressed teen huffed loudly, pacing back and fourth in the room.

"So, the timeline's changed?"

The raven haired boy questioned confusingly, knowing that this sort of thing can only be done by the strongest of people.

"Yes, Marco. Which means, that this whole time, it wasn't Levi who needed to begin a new life cycle,"

"It should've been Eren!"

The two boys looked at each other, thinking they'd finally figured it out.

It made sense. The whole universe had been stuck in the cycle ending with the demon v angel war, because Eren and Levi kept coming back. And it always ended the same way ... Levi killing Eren, them being reborn and never finding out about the hidden vampire kingdom.

But now the whole timeline changed.

The saviour's been saving ... but the 'great evil' has yet to commit their sin.

Tied by fate ~ Ereri / Riren {Omegaverse}Where stories live. Discover now