36. Murder ⚠️Sensitive themes⚠️

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Mild description of killing
Sad Levi :(

{any mentions of lucifer refer to the original king of hell}

1.the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another.
2.a very difficult or unpleasant task or experience.
1.kill (someone) unlawfully and with premeditation.
2. punish severely or be very angry with.

{mentions of Lucifer refer to the original king of hell}

Italics - Grisha's memories
Normal text - Levi's thoughts whilst seeing Grisha's memories

I looked around me, the hell flames engulfing the whole area.

They were coming from me, causing mass destruction to everything, and everyone.

"Eren! Where are you?"

"Levi, you can't be with Eren. If you want to be who you truly are, you must fully embrace the darkness. That means having no weaknesses. Eren is your weakness."

I turned around to identify who the familiar voice belonged to.


Why is my mother here? What is she doing? I haven't seen her since she took Eren captive, and I most certainly do not want to see or speak to her.

She was the last person I wanted to see. The destruction of the world is why I was born. I was made to cause this, and that I shall. I cannot have any distractions, especially not her.

"You must eliminate Eren in order to be at your strongest. The ruthless demon hound of hell cannot have a single weakness."

She was right. I can't have a weakness. I'm set to destroy the earth, which I can't do if I'm constantly looking out for Eren or being influenced by him. I love Eren very much, but now we've come to the end of our love.

The hell flames around me became brighter, and hotter. The population of angels around me were choking on the infected smoke. Only flames from hell could kill an angel - they're infected with the power of Lucifer, and the demon hound, of course.

I'm killing Eren's people? This isn't who I am!

I searched the site again for any sign of Eren. This has to be quick. I can't let my choice be influenced by Eren himself.

What am I doing? Why am I considering killing Eren? I love him so much, I'd give my own life before I'd let him lose his.

I found the omega desperately trying to save as many of his species as possible, but my power was just too strong.

"L-Levi! Please stop! You're killing my people."

"I'm sorry Eren, but the ruler of hell cannot have any weaknesses."

He looked at me with a look of confusion, before his eyes widened in realisation.

"I-I'm your weakness."

He knew what was happening. He didn't try to run. He didn't try to hide. His love for me was true. He wanted me to be happy, and he knew that if killing him was the only option to my happiness, he'd say yes in a heartbeat.

So he did. He stood there. He stood there whilst I lifted my shaky hand, chanting a series of words before the fire was realised from my hand.

Tied by fate ~ Ereri / Riren {Omegaverse}Where stories live. Discover now