35. I'm in Danger.

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Sad Eren :(
Angry boi Levi
•the possibility of suffering harm or injury.
•a cause or likely cause of harm or injury.
plural noun: dangers
•the possibility of something unwelcome or unpleasant happening.

"Levi! You can't kill him. Please. H-he's my dad."

"I don't fucking care what he is to you."

Like I said, an angry alpha will be heartless and brutal to everyone, until the right person is punished. In this case, Levi's demon was taking over, and his desire for revenge is growing.

His kind and caring side was nowhere to be found. Instead everyone in the castle received the side of him that he was born into. The demon labelled to be the destroyer of earth, and cause destruction to any realm but his.

I didn't like it, I have to admit. Yes, Grisha hurt me, as a child and now. But he's my dad. He deserves a second chance, right?

"Well you should, Levi! Your pack already killed my mum, now you're going to kill my dad?"

"You're mum was simply caught in the crossfire of some petty need for revenge. Your father? He deserves to be punished for hurting my omega."

"And that's your choice, is it? I'm the one that got hurt. I'm the one who's now a blood sucking monster! Shouldn't I get decide what happens to my father?"

I'm angry, too. I'm angry at Grisha. Levi too. But that doesn't change the fact he's my mate. And that he's the alpha. My submission will eventually show, and I'll have to agree to this. Alpha's are the superior race...they always get the final say.

"This conversation is over Eren. I suggest you let me do what needs to be done."

"Levi, please. D-don't kill the only family I have left."

"Why should I listen to you?"

"When you came and saved me after I turned, I asked you if you thought I was a monster. And you said you thought I was a beautiful omegan angel hound, who'd been tortured and manipulated to become something I didn't want to be. That is the Levi Ackerman I fell in love with. The one that loves me for me, and does whatever it takes to make me happy. Not the Demon hound that's about to go on a rampage for my father, the only family I have left."

"I'm your family now. Grisha deserves to suffer for the pain and torment he inflicted on my omega."

Hanji entered the room, quickly analysing the events.

"Eren, you can't stop this. Levi, stop being a dick to your omega and leave. I'll keep him company in the mean time."

Levi left before I could stop him, with Hanji grabbing my wrist so I couldn't chase after him. I turned my head around to face her, the tears I'd been holding in finally streaming down my cheeks.

"I know you're hurting Eren. But Levi can't help it."

"I-it's the timeline. We're just one step closer to my death."

It was true. Every bad thing that happened, was a sign of the timeline exceeding. We were getting closer to my murder, and the destruction of realms. It can't be stopped.

"I'm doing the best I can to find a way to stop it Eren, I promise."

"Hanji, you can't. The timeline can't be changed. We're stuck. I'll always die. We'll never stop what's going to happen."


Time - 14:08
Location - hell

Jean ;
"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!"

"Jean? What is it?"

This can't be happening. It's worrying.

"Marco, call everyone in for a meeting asap. It's urgent."


"Thank you for coming everyone. Marco and I have been watching Eren Jeager and Levi Ackerman for quite some time now. Everything was going smoothly, the timeline was correct, until Eren's father got to him. Eren has been reborn into his true lifecycle form - the vampire angel hound,"

A few gasps were heard around the room, which isn't surprising considering the information revealed.

"That may have temporarily changed the timeline. But now we have more serious issues. The demon hound has entered a trance of rampage, the alpha kind. Grisha Jeager is about to be murdered, which means now we cannot predict the timeline, as it has been completely swerved. The last event we had on record was Eren's death. According to the timeline, this was supposed to be the last event of this lifecycle,"

Everyone was silent, clearly taken aback by the sudden fall of plans. Someone's clearly set this all up, to go against the king's wishes.

"As none of this was supposed to happen, and it couldn't just have been by chance, I believe we have a traitor here in headquarters."

Everyone began to get rowdy, shouting comments like 'that's not possible' or 'who would even do that!'. Honestly, I'm not surprised there's a traitor. The plan has been executed so smoothly for the past 99 life cycles, it was bound to go wrong.


"I suggest you don't kill me, demon hound. Your other half will never forgive you."

Long story short - I'm furious. My omega is in pain, he's suffering. Why? Because of his dick of a father. Not to mention the abuse he inflicted on Eren when he was younger.

"He'll forgive me eventually. You deserve to be punished for your actions."

"If you want to keep your mate alive, I suggest you don't kill me. I know what will happen if you do."

"How could you possibly know? You're just a man doing someone else's dirty work."

He must be lying. No one's able to predict the timeline. Not me, nor Eren. So how could Grisha Jaeger possibly predict the timeline?

"If you think I have the intention of telling you what I know, you're wrong. I find it quite amusing letting everyone else wonder whilst I know exactly how life for everyone will turn out."

His laugh was sadistic, and his eyes held a look of deceit, like he was almost ready to go against everything I believed in. This man was cruel, and it showed.

But he's forgetting something. I can just see what he knows. The good thing - it'll hurt him. Once I know what he knows, I'll kill him. He deserves to pay for everything.

"I guess it's a good thing I can do this then."

I grabbed either side of his head, quickly focusing my mind. Grisha let out a pained scream, as blood dripped from his ears to the floor.

I didn't want to enter his fucked up mind, but I had to. And what I saw, wasn't good.

Tied by fate ~ Ereri / Riren {Omegaverse}Where stories live. Discover now