19. They betrayed us.

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the action of betraying one's country, a group, or a person; treachery.

Levi P.O.V
"He's dead. I remember now. He was in this room, reading that book. And then he collapsed, and never woke up. How could I not remember that Hanji?"

"Someone - or something - has been using magic to tamper with your memory."

"But I'm immune to a demon's magic."

"That's the thing Levi, you are. Which means this is the doing of an angel."

"Why the fuck would an angel want to do anything to me?"

"I don't know. But we need to find out."

I'm so confused. I'm sad too. I'm disappointed. Disappointed that I didn't remember Eren was dead. My love for him should've been strong enough to break through the magic's influence. I let him down, and that's good enough.


Third Person P.O.V
Location - Hell
Time - 9:43 am

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck." the horse looking boy mumbles, pacing the hallways of hell's palace.

"Jean calm down, we can't let her know this is happening."

"Marco you don't get what this could mean! We're all in fucking danger now! As soon as Eren's rebirth is complete, our lives are at stake. We can't risk dying! The whole point of the prediction was to make sure we were ready. As soon as the book was opened, War would break out, the demon hound and angel hound would both die, and the rebirth prevented."

"We can't always trust predictions Jean. It's not as simple as it's just carried out. Fate interferes. As soon as one prediction is untrue, the whole timeline of that person changes majorly. Eren's fate must've changed, therefore altering his whole timeline."

"But how would it change? We've been watching him closely since he was born. There's no way we could've missed anything. His mother's death, his father's death, his suicide attempt, meeting Levi, self harming, the meadow for his mother. It's all carried out perfectly. There's no way it could've changed in the few seconds we weren't looking."

Location - Heaven
Time - 12:28 pm

The brown haired woman tapped her foot nervously as she waited for the arrival of her guest.

The door flew open suddenly, startling the nervous woman. She let out a sigh of relief when she noticed it was only her guest.

"K-Kuchel, hi."

"Hi, Carla."

"You only have a certain amount of time in this realm, so let's just get this conversation over and done with."

"What have you done this time?"

"It's about your son."

"Oh for fucks sake Carla! I told you stay away from him."

"I-I know! But he's with Eren now. He's part of my family and I can't ignore that. Something bad has happened, Kuchel."

"Just get to the point already."

"Eren's rebirth has begun."

"You fucking what? What about Levi? Shit. Carla! This is bad!"

"I-I know Kuchel. I've been tampering with Levi's memory in the hope that all his memories of Eren will just fade away. It seems to be working - but his friends are getting in the way."

"We need to figure something out. Maybe if we combine our magic it'll have a stronger hold on Levi. How did he remember?"

"His friends took him back to the place of Eren's death. The familiar surroundings triggered his memory."

"Okay. We can work with this. If we go deep enough into Levi's mind, we can completely erase his memories of Eren, where he died, and also his friends. It's the only way, Carla."

"But Levi will be so alone. Eren wouldn't want that."

"I don't give a shit, Carla. It's the only way. The only way to protect my son from Eren's fuck up!"

"You don't get it, do you? Eren didn't fuck up, someone altered his timeline."

"Whatever. Let's just get to work."


Eren P.O.V
I miss him. So much. I can't help but think he's already moved on. He's found someone better who he deserves and is happy. That's all I wish, but it still hurts. We were supposed to grow old together, have kids and live a happy life.

"Excuse me, your majesty?"

"Please, just call me Eren. I'm no prince, honestly."

It's so strange in this realm. Everyone makes it out like I'm some long lost prince, someone fated to rule this abandoned town. I'm nothing like that. I'm just an angel hound that happened to fucking die and somehow travel to another world.

"Okay sorry, Eren. We've made progress on your portal. We've managed to complete a stable breach that will help you in contacting another world. When would you like to start trying to contact?"

"As soon as possible please. I can't bare not knowing Levi's okay another day."

"Okay, right this way please."

We walked for about 20 minutes. We got further and further away from the palace, my only familiar place. Anxiety started to take over my body, and I was met with this sudden feeling. The feeling of failure. I could tell this probably wouldn't work, and I was going to be stuck here forever, without Levi.

"Eren, Hi!"

"Hi Sasha. Wow! Is that the portal? That's amazing! Where did you learn to make these things?"

"We've been making them ever since we were trapped, but none of us had the magic to activate them. All of us only have the same simple magic, as we are all the same beings. As you are a vampire angel hound, you hold individual and unique magic that only you possess. I learnt how to alter this portal so you would be able to activate it. Go ahead."

I slowly walk over to the glowing purple hole. My anxiety was strengthening, but it was the only thing that could get me closer to Levi. I slowly lifted my hand up, reaching towards the portal.

"If you come in contact with another realm, you'll be able to see it. Wherever their portal receiver is located, you'll be able to see that room. If you want to continue into that realm, you just walk straight out."

"Okay, thank you. Wish me luck!"

I continued, feeling a sudden spark when my hand reached the portal itself. The deep purple colour faded into a light violet shade, glowing brighter than before. A smile grew upon my face, as I finally felt like there was hope that I'd see Levi again.

I stepped into the portal. At first it was black, so I waited for a while.

Still black. I'll wait again.

Nothing. Black.

All the hope I had faded into that darkness.

I'm never going to see Levi again.

Tied by fate ~ Ereri / Riren {Omegaverse}Where stories live. Discover now