38. The Epiphany.

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a moment of sudden and great revelation or realization.

Third person pov ;
The two women had been requested to the darkest realm itself - darker than hell - the underworld. This was one of the only realms - aside from the human realm - where all and every species could interact.

They knew why they'd been sent a request, and they weren't looking forward to it. Carla and Kuchel were still nervous as they walked the dimly lit hallway of the castle, being led by two guards with slicked-back hair.

It seemed like they had been walking forever, before they reached the large arch shaped wooden doors.

The guards left with a simple "good luck," to return to their set duties.

Carla knocked the door cautiously, waiting for permission to enter.

A loud "Enter," was heard from a low and raspy voice.

Carla pushed the door open slowly, both women curtsying in respect to their king.

"You requested to see us, your highness?"

"Yes, please take a seat Mrs Jeager and Mrs Ackerman. I'd like to discuss a few things."

Then the nerves really started kicking in - a few things to the king of hell could be referring to murders.

"Now, as you both know, you failed to erase the demon hound's memories of the angel hound. You also failed to prevent the awakening of your son Carla. You both know I want Levi and Eren dead, as they pose a threat to my rule over Hell, which, if my plan works, will eventually be all the realms."

"We're sorry to have failed you your highness. What could we possibly do to make it up to you."

The truth is, Carla hated doing the king's dirty work. It wasn't like her. She loved Eren, and she wanted him to be happy. But she also wanted to protect the secret of her best friend, Kuchel. She knew that if Kuchel's secret got out, it would hurt Levi, which would only heart Eren.

"I'd like you to kill the angel hound. Come up with a plan, and execute it. If you fail to do so, again, then I'm afraid you won't be let off quite as easily as this time."

And with their instructions and warning, they left. A war was beginning, and no one could stop what was bound to happen...


I awakened to the soft sound of birds chirping in the distance. I extended my arm to reach out to Levi, only to find he wasn't there.

Rather than paying attention to the whereabouts of Levi, I paid attention to the sweet smell intoxicating me.

I know that smell ...


I woke up earlier than usual this morning, probably because I'd actually received a decent night's sleep. I didn't want to disturb Eren, so I quietly got out of bed and headed downstairs to the kitchen.

Sasha and Connie were at the dining table, and shitty glasses too. They seemed to be discussing something. Sasha had something in her hands - I couldn't see what it was but Hanji was looking at her with a confused expression.

"What the fuck is wrong, shitty glasses?"

Her head snapped up quickly towards where I was standing.

"O-oh Levi! Good morning! Nothings wrong. Would you like some breakfast? I'll make you so-,"

"Tell me now or I'll feed you to the wolves."

Her facial expressions calmed, indicating she'd given in to me before I'd even got started on my hardcore threats.

"Sasha, Connie and I are worried about Eren. He's been a vampire for a while now, and he um...he hasn't fed at all."

"So? Get to the point, shitty glasses. I haven't got all day."

Before Hanji could spit it out, Sasha turned to face me, revealing what she had been holding.

It was a plastic bag with a straw at the top, filled with deep red liquid.

What. The. Fuck.

"No! No way. He doesn't fucking want that! Seriously? You want Eren, Eren, to drink blood? He already thinks he's a monster! Imagine what drinking blood would do to him!"

I'm furious. How could Hanji even be considering this?!

"Levi, please! You saw how he was when your finger drew the tiniest bit of blood. He was practically begging for it! He couldn't handle it, he wanted it. You could see the look of hunger in his eyes. A blood bag is nothing compared to a possible human that he could devour due to the thirst."

"He's a vampire, not a monster Hanji! If he drinks even a drop of blood, he'll spiral into an eternity of torment. I won't let Eren live like that. I'm sorry, but Eren will not be drinking blood until he tells me he wants t-,"

"W-whats going on?"

I turned my body around to see Eren, still in his long T-shirt and boxers. He looked pale, more pale than usual. His eyes were slightly red, and he looked ... hungry?

"Eren, please go back to our bedroom, I'll be there in a minute. Hanji and I have some things to discu-,"

"No. What's happening? Why can I smell ... blood?"

The truth is, I didn't want Eren feed, because I didn't want it to be true. I didn't want him to be a vampire. It meant his life would be over before it's even started.

I didn't want him to have that responsibility, to have the guilt of feeding. It would destroy him, because he knows once he feeds he'll have to keep doing it.

"They want you to feed."

"W-What? No! I can't!"

Sasha took a step forward, holding the blood bag in her hand. She reached out her hand, hinting to Eren for him to take the blood bag.

"Eren, once you do this, you can't undo it."

I tried to convince him not to do it, because I didn't want him to regret it.

"Just give me the bag, I'm only taking a sip."

Eren took the bag, opening the cap on the straw. He put his mouth to it, and took a sip.

Everything was fine for a minute, until he entered a fit of coughing. He threw up the blood he'd tried to swallow, wrapping his hands around his neck.

"Eren? What's happening?"

"I-it won't go down my throat. I can't swallow it."

Sasha took a few steps back as her eyes widened in realisation.

"O-oh my god."

Connie gave Sasha a questioning look and then shot a glance at Eren. Connie's eyes also seemed to widen in realisation.

"That's impossible."

Eren, Hanji and I were beyond confused. We had no idea what was going on, but Connie and Sasha seemed to.

"What's going on?"

I wasn't ready for the answer. None of us were...

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