13. I'm going to die.

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Levi's P.O.V
It had been a few days since Eren had left, and i heard him say he loves me. We haven't spoken because neither of us have had the courage to just apologise. I feel so out of place without him here. Like there's something missing. The love I have for him consumes me, and if I don't get it under control it will kill me.

Shit. I'm not supposed to feel like this. I'm supposed to torment the earth and make all of the angel's lives a living hell. Eren will cause my downfall, I'm sure of it.

Knock knock.

Fuck. I inhaled the familiar smell of a mixture of fruits and immediately knew it was Eren's scent. All wolves had a distinct smell to them, but are unable to smell their own scent. It appears stronger to your mate, and more faint to everyone else.

"Come in."

The door slowly opened, revealing a slim boy, with his real eyes immediately standing out.

"L-Levi. Can I talk t-to you please."

"Yes Eren, make it quick. I'm busy."

"Are you still angry?"


"Do you want me to leave?"


"You're not mad?"


What the fuck is he playing at?

"Do you love me?"

"Yes - shit! I mean no! Yes! I don't know?!"

"I know you heard Levi. I'm not silly. I may still be new to your abilities but I'm smart enough to know you would hear me say it. I'm too much of a pussy to just say it to you."

"A pussy? Really. You practically scared my mother out of hurting me, just by staring at her intensely. I'd hardly call you a pussy, Eren."

"I just told you I loved you and all you can think about is me being a pussy?"

Why is Eren being like this? It's so out of character for him. It's almost like someone's pretending to be him?

Eren's P.O.V
"Levi? Levi help! Levi please help me!" I cried out so loudly, hoping he'd hear me.

We hadn't seen each other in two days, which meant he hadn't been there to 'protect me'. Someone had been watching us, very closely. Us being apart gave someone the perfect opportunity to take me, and they're probably going to kill me.

"Where the fuck am I! Let me go! Please!"

"Ughh. Would you just shut up already!"

I looked up to an opening door. A tall and fairly muscular boy with dirty blonde hair and a brownish undercut walked in. He looked almost like a horse?

"Please let me go. I haven't done anything!"

"Oh, you've done more than you think. Now shutup already. My master should be here soon, then we can get this over and done with."

"Get what over and done with?"

The boy chuckled slightly, before grabbing the chain of my handcuff, and looking straight into my eyes -

"The death of the angel hound."

Shit shit shit. He knows. How?!? I never told anyone. Fuck. What am I supposed to do. I need Levi. He needs to be here.

"You see ... we've managed to exploit the demon hound's weakness, you. After your little argument the other day, we had one of our professional shape shifters to pose as you, and have a conversation with your older mate. By killing you, we weaken him."

"Why do you want to weaken him? What the hell did he do to you?"

"Where do I begin? For a start, he killed me. That's how I'm here. He killed my family, and then banished us to hell. We were supposed to be in heaven, but he changed things. I want to punish him for what he did to me and my family. There are other people who want to punish him too, I'm just here to simply pass on the message."

"So you're doing people's dirty work?"

He must have a good reason for killing these people, right? Levi wouldn't just kill people meant to be angels and banish them to hell.

"Shut up. I said I'm just here to pass on the message. Oh and also, I'm supposed to hurt you so you're weaker for your death."

The horse-faced boy lifted his hand, making a gun shape with his fingers. A sudden sharp pain occurred in my stomach. Then my right shoulder. Then my left. Now my thigh.

"Stop it! I swear to god! I will kill you! Please! Stop!"

Tears fell from my eyes as I screamed out in pain. An uncontrollable amount of pain and anger flushed through my body as I desperately tried to break free from the chains holding me down.

I'm going to die.

Levi's P.O.V
"You're not Eren, are you?"

"What do you mean? Of course it's me Levi. I'm sorry for how I acted the other day."

"You're not Eren."

"I am."

"Tell me the truth or I'll kill yo-,"

An unforeseen pain pierced at my stomach.


It continued into my shoulder, and then my left, ending with my thigh.

"What the fuck are you doing to me demon!"

"I'm not doing anything!"

I gripped my thigh where the pain was inflicted and thought for a minute.

"If it's not you, then it must be ... Eren?"

I looked up to meet the gaze of the demon who was standing in front of me. He had shifted back into his original form, and to my surprise, he looked more like an angel than a demon.

The demon had deep black hair, with a small petite figure. His cheek bones and nose were spotted with brown freckles, and his eyes held a certain, almost happy, glow.

"I'm sorry sir, are you okay?? They made me do it - they said if I didn't they'd kill my family here on earth!"

"I don't care, just - ah shit - tell me where Eren is!"

"I- I don't know where they took him - but I can help you get to hell"

"Please. I need to get to Eren as soon as possible. He's in danger."

Tied by fate ~ Ereri / Riren {Omegaverse}Where stories live. Discover now