15. The key.

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Self harm

Eren's P.O.V
"Eren, wake up. We've got things to do today. I'm not having you laze around all day whilst I do all the work."

I awakened to the sound of Levi complaining, as usual. Something about today felt different, out of place almost. I knew that I was in heat, but I don't usually feel like this. Being the angel hound made my heats different. I didn't crave the constant sex, I could keep myself under control and my scent could still be masked.

"Arghhh. Fine. Get out while I get changed, pervert."
"Really? I stripped you yesterday and fucked you in that bed, yet you still don't want to get changed around me, omega?"
"That pet name doesn't work when I'm in heat, alpha."

I heard a small growl from Levi, as he tried to keep his sex drive under control.

"Aww, does Levi want to fuck me?"
"Don't push it Eren."
"Chill, I'm joking. You can stay, just don't look."

Levi's P.O.V
I turned around to face the door of my bedroom, letting out a deep sigh. I could hear the sound of Eren undressing himself and putting on his new clothes.

"Okay, I'm done." the boy spoke softly, smiling at me as I turned around.

Eren's shirt wasn't fully pulled down, causing me to catch a glimpse of a few bruises and cuts. Eren quickly pulled down his shirt fully and began to head for the door.

"Are you hurting yourself?"

A deafening silence filled the room as we both stood opposite each other, avoiding the well dreaded eye contact that was usually made between us.

"No. I'm not."
"Tell me the truth. Are you hurting yourself?"
"No I'm not. Now can can we go please?"

What I said next I knew I'd regret. Because deep down we both knew that when he pulled up his sleeve, his pain would be evident. Lying to me wouldn't change anything. I'd still know he was hurting himself. The subject couldn't be avoided, because I cared so much I just needed to know.

"Show me your wrists Eren."

The sadness and betrayal he felt in that moment was so clear, it made my heart break. I just wanted to know if he was okay, he nearly got fucking murdered and I didn't do shit about it.

I slowly walked towards Eren, holding out my hand indicating for him to take it. He didn't, obviously. Instead he backed away before he got too close. I could see the tears forming in his eyes. Regret was gradually weighing up on my chest, and I just wanted take everything I've ever said back and start over.

"I-I'm sorry."

He lifted his sleeve up to reveal a row of cuts down his wrists. They were relatively recent, as they were still surrounded by red skin from where he'd been trying to wipe away the blood.

"No. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry I haven't been there to support you Eren. I love you so much, and I want you to not feel like you need to hurt yourself. I know you're life's shit and you've been burdened with a life you don't want, but I can't change that. All I can do is support you through your time of darkness. I know I reacted badly last time, but I promise I understand this time."

His crying became louder and heavier as he quickly rushed over to me. He wrapped his arms around the back of my neck, burying his face into my chest. I slowly moved my hands from beside my body to around his waist, gently rubbing circles on his back.

"I love you Levi."
"I love you too, Eren."


Jean P.O.V
"You helped him get to hell?! Marco what the fuck were you thinking! She's going to be pissed when she finds out!"
"Jean I'm sorry - but no matter how much you deny it, I'm not like demons. I'm a good person and I wouldn't let someone die for their lover's mistakes!"

Rage filled every bone in my body. To know people in this world are that fucking stupid infuriates me. I don't want Marco to get hurt, because it'll only cause me more fucking pain.

"What about your mistake of helping that demon hound get here, causing his mate to fucking hurt me!"
"I didn't know he was going to hurt you Jean. I love you, but you can't keep blaming everyone but yourself."
"Blaming myself? Marco your fucking family just got killed because you betrayed her. You went against her wishes and now you'll be next."

Does he seriously think I'm to blame? I was just following commands whilst also trying to get my own revenge on that demon hound.

"Marco, Jean? Would someone care to explain what the hell is going on here?"

I glanced at Marco, warning him not to speak. He'd only fuck things up, increasing his chance of death.

"Nothing. We were just discussing a few things."
"And why can these not be shared with me?"
"Because they're private matters between only us."
"Marco. Can I have a word please?"

She's going to kill him. Marco's going to die. The only person I care about in this world, is going to die. And that demon hound is going to pay. I'll kill the only person he cares about. All I have to do, is wait for him to open that book.


Eren's P.O.V
After what had happened earlier, I decided to have some time alone. I was sitting in the library, which was rather big to my surprise. Thousands of books were organised on shelves, some bigger than others, and all varying in colour.

But there was one book that stood out to me. It was rather large, and was a light golden colour. It would shine every time it caught the light, making it even more obvious than before.

I walked over to the bookshelf it was on, reaching my hand up and carefully pulling the book from its neatly organised row. It was now more shiny than before, and felt heavy in my grip.

'The key of Maria'

I opened the book, and immediately started reading the first page.

In a world full of wolves, angels, demons and humans, you'd expect the human race to be simple. But it isn't. There are more species in this world than these beings know, and if you are able to read this book, then you are one of these beings. Only the unknown species are able to read this book, as it contains the answer to discovering these species and reinforcing them into the world after the demons shut us away many years ago.

An unknown species? This book, it seems familiar to me. But why would Levi have this?

I turned to the next page.

This unknown species is know as the vampires. They live behind a closed door that the demons created so we could never escape. After the battle of Maria, the demons had realised they had lost. And so they cast a spell to lock the vampires away, leaving only a key.

A key? My key?

What the demons did not know, is that 2 particular beings would continue living their lives, only to one day wake up and realise who they truly are. And those two beings shall find that key, and rescue their kind, before it's too late.

Special beings? Reading this book began to make me feel drowsy. The walls began to spin and I suddenly felt uneasy. My head was pounding and my eyes were heavy.

"Eren? Are you oka-,"

I dropped to the floor. Unconscious.


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