45. I've Failed.

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1.(of an undertaking or a relationship) not achieving its end or not lasting; unsuccessful.
2.(of a mechanism) not functioning properly.

Eren was finally discharged from the hospital, Levi however, was barely recovering from the abnormal substance's symptoms. Eren wanted to see Levi, so that's what he did. But he wasn't aware of the effects it would have. Going to visit your boyfriend who doesn't even remember your name is dangerously heart breaking.

"Levi? How are you feeling?"

Eren couldn't help but be hurt by the shape Levi was in. His chest was covered in bandages, he was connected to all these wires that were attached to machines that Eren had no clue about. He looked tired, pale, drained. There was only one word Eren could think of.

Dead. He looked dead.

"Hello? Who are you? Are you one of Petra's friends?"

Something just pained Eren inside. He couldn't figure out if it was the fact this was all his fault, or whether it was the fact that Levi believed he belonged to someone else. His Alpha...believing he belonged to another omega.

"Alpha doesn't love me anymore. He's someone else's alpha. Not mine. Hers."

The omegan instincts kicked in. The pain, heartbreak. The thought of your alpha loving someone else. Him being totally devoted to someone other you. Wanted to spend time with them...not you. Being possessive. But not over you. Them.

It wasn't jealousy. It was genuine heartbreak. Anger.

After everything they've been through, how could Levi just forget? How could the demon hound let a silly substance in his body make him forget his Eren.

He didn't realise it in the moment, but Eren had been mumbling all his thoughts out loud. Loud enough for Levi to hear.

"Look, brat. I don't know who you are, and to be honest I don't really want to know. But I love Petra, not some brat. So stop moping over someone who's never loved you, and never will love you."

Eren was shocked. Hurt. He felt betrayed.

It was like someone had hit the restart or refresh button on Levi, and he's been changed back to the Levi he was before meeting Eren. The cold hearted, rude, insensitive Levi Ackerman.

"I-i was silly to think you'd ever change. Especially for thinking you'd change for me. You're an alpha. Of course you'd never fucking change! We've been through so much together and you cant remember a single fucking thing?! I-i hope you're happy with Petra, alpha."

Eren left the room abruptly, with tears threatening to emerge and fall. He was scared and confused. He didn't know what Levi's forgotten memories meant for him. For them.



There's something so familiar about that word...that brat. With the way he said it, you'd probably believe he really was my omega. But he's not. Stupid brat.

He seemed so hurt. And ... angry?

But I have Petra. We live a happy life together. She's the only person I can tolerate. I can't stand shitty glasses. Dont even get me started.

I just want to get out of this shitty hospital room and return home to Petra. The house probably needs cleaning by now, that's why I'm in a rush to get home. It's probably filfthy!

"Mr Ackerman? I'm sure you'll be happy to know you can return home tomorrow. I'm sorry but I cannot allow you to return home to your wife as she is studying abroad and cannot return here to collect and support you in your recovery. You'll be placed under the residence and care of Miss Hanji Zoe and Eren Jeager."

That's strange, Petra doesn't really study anymore. I guess she wanted to finally finish her psychiatric degree and become a psychiatrist.

"Shitty glasses, really? I have to live with that woman? And who's that boy?"

"A friend of Miss Zoe's sir. I'm sure you'll get along just fine."


3 hours later - Levi discharged

{Eren's internal monologue is in italics , anything non-italics is actually spoken}

"I am not going home with that brat! He'll make a mess and he keeps staring at me like I'm the only person he cares for in life. Stop. Like I told you earlier, I'm married."

"If she really loved you she'd be here to pick you up and take care of you."

"I know, I'm sorry. Just, get in the car, please?"

"Tch, whatever."

Why is...why is mum here? Where'd Hanji go?

"Mum why are you here?"

"That's Hanji. What the fuck is wrong with you? If you miss your mum so much that you're mistaking Hanji for her, just go see her."

You'd never even mention my mum. You'd know it's too hard for me to talk about and that I never want to talk about it. You wouldn't want to hurt me... or make me cry.

"My mum's dead."

"Sorry, there's no need to be so rude though, brat."

"Oh my god can you two just stop? With all this bickering I'd be convinced you're a married couple. Pack it in, we've got an hour left."

Married couple. Haha. I wish.


30 minutes later;

Levi said he was in a bit of pain. So we thought nothing of it, until we stopped for him to check his wounds.

And he did.

Then I smelt it.

The blood. His blood.

The blood I craved, of the person I craved love from.

"H-Hanji, I-i, we have a problem."

The smell was too much.

"Eren, just go wait in the car okay? I'll help Levi change the wounds."

"I-no. I want it. Give me it. Now!"

I growled loudly and viciously, not realising the power that had consumed me. My fangs began to sting more than usual, clearly from the lack of feeding since my first.

"Give me it."

"Just get in the fucking car, Eren! You really want to do this with him all over again?"

She whispered the last part quietly, so Levi most likely couldn't hear. But the question angered me even more.

"Don't remind me of my failure as a boyfriend. As a fucking omega!"

I said that, and walked away.

I couldn't be around anyone right now. Not Hanji, not Levi.

I'd failed as a boyfriend.

I've failed as an omega...

Tied by fate ~ Ereri / Riren {Omegaverse}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora