22. It's Inevitable.

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1. certain to happen; unavoidable.

1. A situation that is unavoidable.

Hanji ;
I had sent Levi off to bed with the newly made device. Whatever the results showed, it was all I could tell Levi. He cannot find out what's really happening. The truth is, Erwin and I have been looking into Eren's death for a while.

The way he died was highly uncommon, and it shouldn't be easy to kill Eren. I'd been experimenting on him since he'd first told me he was the angel hound;

19 January 2018 - day 1
Skin sample taken from patient. Levi was very aggressive when I tried to scrape skin of Eren but he seemed to calm down easily.

15th February 2018 - day 29
Patient's skin sample showed abnormal cellular structure in the body. Cells are closer together, and smaller. This can cause increased strength and pain tolerance. Eren said it's weird and he doesn't understand science.

29th May 2018 - day 198
Since the last skin test, Eren has been training. His cells are even more tightly compact now, meaning his strength and pain tolerance have been heightened to a greater level.

8th November 2018 - day 354
Eren has been training for around six months. We took monthly tests, which showed Eren's cells gradually becoming more close together. His strength now is outstanding, and his pain tolerance is amazing. I think he could give Levi a run for his money!
Shut up, Hanji ~ Levi.

From what I found, there's no way someone could kill Eren by just using natural combat, or trying a surprise attack. Eren would not have let himself die an easy death either, especially since he had Levi. However Eren died, it must've been the result of magic. Whether it was intentional, or accidental.

Levi ;
"Eren babe, are you okay?"

Eren had been throwing up a lot recently, and I was starting to get worried. He was also becoming more distant with me, hinting to his extreme mood swings.

"I'm fine! Go back to bed."

"Tell me what's wrong, then I'll go to bed."

I could hear muffled sounds over the running water in the bathroom.

"Baby. I know you're crying. Let me in."


"Eren Jaeger-Ackerman! Open the door right now or I'll do something I'll regr-,"


"E-Eren. I'm sorry. P-please. I just want to help you get better."

"I'm never going to get better Levi. You don't understand. I don't get my happy ending."

"What are you talking about, Eren?"

What Eren said, it worried me. If worried me because he was telling the truth. There's a difference in his mood and tone of voice when he's lying. But I couldn't sense it, at all.

"I don't get the happy ending I want."

"W-What about us? D-do we get our happy ending?"

I hated stuttering. I only did it when I was nervous or scared. I'll be aware I'm stuttering, but I won't be able to make it stop.

"No. We get the opposite."

Tied by fate ~ Ereri / Riren {Omegaverse}Where stories live. Discover now