2. Protect him.

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keep safe from harm or injury.

Eren's P.O.V
Wow. In my direct eyesight was a raven haired, grey eyed, toned man. He was gorgeous. My wolf cried 'mate'. Wait...Mr Ackerman is my mate? He's an alpha? Does Mikasa know? Like usual, my anxiety got the better of me. My heart began to pound, fast. I struggled to breath slightly upon feeling the increase in my heartbeat. I tried to focus on something, which just happened to be the cause of the problem in the first place. His face seemed to hold a concerned look, one that was different to his usual blank expression. Shit...can he tell?

"Eren!! Get out the taxi, come on!" I snapped out of my state of gay panic as mikasa brought me back into reality. I stepped out of the car slowly. I tried to avoid contact with my alpha. Shit no... I mean Mr Ackerman. Stupid mate bond. He began to approach mikasa, shaking her hand as he reached her. I stood beside her, my wolf still letting off what I assume was a nervous scent. My wolf kept trying to break through. Mate. Mate. Mate. Mate!!!!

"Hello mikasa. I am Levi Ackerman. CEO of Ackerman official. It's a pleasure to meet you." His voice was low, and husky. His expression was still concerned, but mikasa didn't seem to notice.

"And its a pleasure to meet you Mr Levi Ackerman. I am Mikasa Jeager and this is my younger brother, Eren Jeager. Please do excuse him he's a little bit shy." Mikasa had taken my last name after my parents died, so she could become my legal guardian until I was 18. She smiled and let out a slight giggle. I turn my head and I see him approaching me.

Shit..what am I supposed to do??? Does he know??? Mate. Mate. Mate!!! My wolf cried, full of lust and desire. Ughhhh please just stop already!

Levi's P.O.V
Mate. My alpha was practically screaming to mark him and make him mine. No. This is simply business. I stood quietly outside the building as the two got out of their car. I noticed there was an awfully empowering scent in the air, but no one else seemed to be aware of it. Mate, he's nervous. My wolf was able to tell how my mate was feeling, but so could I. For some reason this boy was able to make me actually express emotion. I could tell he noticed as he looked at me strangely. My god is he stunning. I have a feeling this boy will change me, and I'm not used to being changed. Cold hearted Levi. I am known as that and I will remain that way.

My omega, be nice.

Ffs, I can't help it. Eren is mine and I have to make him feel safe and welcomed.

I introduced myself to Mikasa, and she introduced herself and her brother, my omega, Eren Jeager. His scent became stronger and more distinct, but I could tell it was masking his secret lust and desire for me. Every alpha knows how their omega will react to first meeting them, and how their own alpha will react.

Omega. Must mark.

He is mine. There it is. My stupid alpha trying to break through.  I scanned eren's body, until I noticed a key he wore around his neck.

The key.

-Flashback (7 years ago)-

Unknown P.O.V
"Levi Ackerman...your true form may be stronger than your alpha form...but do not underestimate the power of this world. The power of nature, your creator. There is another being in this world, who's true form is opposite to yours, but possesses the same strength yours does. The key will be your only way out of the threat you both impose on this world, on our species"

"What do you mean a key? Please stop. You're scaring me. What do you mean threat to this world?" the poor boy cried, as he discovered his true form. The gods and myself cannot let these two beings destroy the world we have created. Together they make the most powerful being ever invented by mankind. They may be fated to be together, but I cannot let them turn to evil. I have no choice but to tell him.

"Levi, when you find that key, and whoever possesses it, you must protect them. Even if it costs you your life. You will feel a strong love for them, as they are your mate. You may not remember this when you meet Er- him. That key will open something mankind has never seen. Your true form, is more dangerous than any other being on this earth. You cannot tell anyone, only the person in possession of the key, your mate. Promise me Levi?"

"Okay okay I promise! Now please tell me how to transform into my normal form, so I can prepare for my fight with father" he begged.

-End of Flashback-

Eren's P.O.V
Will I finally be able to share my true form with my mate? I can't believe I've found my mate! My friend Armin still hasn't found his mate, and he's really bummed about it. I've never told anyone about my true form. My mum told me not to. She said it could be dangerous for anyone to know and that I may become a target. She died before she could tell me anything else. I was only 15, so I didn't really understand. I was told to protect this key, even if it cost me my life.

Father said if it fell into the wrong hands, something really bad would happen. To be honest I think they were being really dramatic, but I trust my parents, and I want to fulfil their last wishes.

"Eren, are you coming?" Mikasa asked as I stood dreaming about the future.

"Yes mikasa, sorry" I smiled back, before looking at Levi, and seeing the deep lust in his steel grey eyes.

My alpha. I am his. Mate. Ugh shutup wolf. I followed mikasa and Levi until we arrived in a large room, with a strangely large table and 5 chairs. I went to sit next to Mikasa, but I heard a low pitched growl that obviously only I heard because no one seemed to notice.


I glanced at Levi, he smirked, before patting the chair next to him. I slowly walked over, and sat down. Mikasa seemed confused at first, but then it must've clicked because she laughed.
"Oh my god! No way! I can't believe it. My little brother has found his mate!" She giggled before staring right at me.

"Yes I found my alp- I mean I found my mate" I replied. Shit. I took a glance over at Levi and could see the smirk that had formed on his face.

Levi's P.O.V
This boy was already making me feel things I've never felt before. Those feelings intensified when I heard his little slip up. 'My alpha'. My lust and temptation to just mark him here on top of this table was overwhelming. But I had to think about protecting him. He has the key. Which means he's not only my omega, but he's something special that needs to be protected, no matter what happens.

Tied by fate ~ Ereri / Riren {Omegaverse}Where stories live. Discover now