18. The Awakening.

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1. an act or moment of becoming suddenly aware of something.

1. coming into existence or awareness.

Eren P.O.V
I was currently in a room that was situated within the castle of this hidden world. It's supposedly mine and Levi's, but I still don't believe that we're really these people's 'rulers'.

The past few days I've been having these visions - flashbacks almost, of a past life. But I can't seem to piece it all together. Some are of my mum, others of Levi. It just doesn't make sense. I really don't understand how a completely different world could be kept hidden from three others, for this long.

I miss Levi, too. There's so much on my mind.




I miss them so much, and I have no way of telling them I'm okay. That day when I collapsed and didn't wake up, they probably destroyed my body and just moved on with life. Levi's probably happier without me. All I caused him was pain and misery, and I hated myself for that.

Maybe Levi shouldn't wake up. It'll disturb things. Before I arrived he seemed to be in a bad place. He didn't care about people and he had no true interest in life. But then we found each other. He slowly grew happier, he began caring more.

Waking him up would ruin everything he worked towards. His company, his home, his 'friendships', his capability of love. I'd rather live a life alone, knowing Levi could be happy, than destroy his well deserved happiness to satisfy my own needs.

"I miss you, Levi."


Levi P.O.V
"Eren. No! Stop it! You're better than this!"

"I'm sorry, baby. I can't do this anymore."

"Please no. I can't live without you. Don't do it!"

"I love you, Levi."


And with that, he took his last breath. His last words, used to tell me he loved me. How could he even do that to me?! He fucking left me. It's his fault I'm like this! He fucking left.

"Knock Knock! Levi, are you awake?"

I suddenly shot up in my bed. My breathing was heavy and I had this sharp pain in my head.

"It was a dream? Eren?"

"Levi it's Hanji! Can I come in?"


"Hey shortie! How you doing today?"

"Shitty glasses, where's Eren? Did he wake up before me?"

"L-Levi. You know where Eren is. He's not here anymore."

"What? No he's here. I-I can feel him. He's here Hanji. Stop joking around for fucks sake."

"Levi what are you talking about? Eren's dead. He's been dead for a week."

"That's not funny, shitty glasses. I can feel his presence. If he was dead, I'd know. Trust me."

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