10. The Creation.

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~present day~

Unknown P.O.V
(This is all speech)
22 years ago, a woman committed the most unforgivable sin ever known to mankind. A female in her early twenties, an omega, met a man, who immediately caught her eye. The two were like soulmates. So in love they'd sacrifice anything to be we each other. Even their lives, if it came to that.

One day, they sealed their love with a night of passion, the woman conceiving a child the day after. The child's birth was irregular-
The pregnancy was faster than any usual one, lasting only six months. The child could hear better than any normal alpha. They could heal faster than any other wolf. He possessed unexplainable special abilities.

The mother hid this from the father, unaware of what his reaction may be. She grew to love the child, slowly distancing herself from her loving husband. What she didn't know is that the husband had been noticing the sudden change, and decided to take matters into his own hands.

He confronted his once honest wife, banishing her to hell as a punishment for her disloyalty. She was made immortal to pay for her sins forever, and gifted with demon magic to one day become evil. The child woke up one day, wondering where his mother was. He was told she simply died, and never thought twice about a different situation.

And with that story, came the birth of the demon hound. The product of a demon, and an omega.

18 years ago, an alpha in his mid twenties, met a beautiful woman. The story repeats. They fell in love, and one day declared this love with a night of passion. The woman conceived a child, her pregnancy also being irregular.

The pregnancy was longer than a usual one, lasting 11 months. The child, like the demon hound, could heal faster than any other wolf. Within time the child learnt to mask their scent, and was able to identify shapeshifters, such as demons. At the age of 15 the child developed their best skill yet. They were able to stop people from intentionally hurting others, with the support of a focused mind. Eventually the child learned they could challenge an alpha, as they were stronger than any normal alpha and omega combined.

The mother also grew to love her child, unaware of what the father would do when she was not home. He would experiment on their child, creating the strongest being on earth, equalising the demon hounds power. What the father did not know, is that his actions caused fate to alter his child's future. And with this alter, the child's mate was decided. This mate bond was unlike any other, as the outcome is not the happy ending every parent hopes for their child.

And with that story, came the birth of the angel hound. The product of an angel and an alpha.

15 years later, {A/N I can't remember if I specified what age Eren was when his parents died so I'm making it 15} the child's father reached his last day on earth. On his death bed, he handed his child the key. He told his child to protect it with his life. What he did not tell his child, is that key had serious consequences. The child would be hunted, until the true owner possessed that key.

To this day, only the true owner is aware of what that key leads to.

A few months later, demons came after the key. They did not find the key, nor the angel hound. All they found was the mother, an angel. They murdered her and left her for dead in her own home. When the child returned, he found his mother, gasping for her last breaths. She said:

"Sweetie, you must protect yourself and that key. In order to fulfil your true purpose, you must always have that key. You're true form my dear, you're the angel hound. I cannot tell you your true purpose, for you are fated to discover that yourself. You cannot tell anyone who you truly are, not even mikasa. When you find your mate, you'll know. You must learn to trust them, and eventually you'll have to tell them your true from. When you find them, you'll both be in danger. Protect them, and yourself, dear, with all your strength. And maybe you can change your future, before it's too late. Remember I love you, and that whatever happens from this moment forward, I will always be proud of you."

And with those words, she slipped away. Her lasts breaths spent telling her child what she had planned to tell them on their 18 birthday. The angel hound watched his mother die, and with that, he was forced to live the rest of his life without his parents.

Neither the angel hound or the demon hound knew what their true fate was. Until the demon hound found out. The hound connected deeply with its true form, creating a breach to travel to their fathers realm. And so the hound went, receiving what they travelled there for. The child found their father, and asked for the truth. And the truth is what the child got.

"You're mate was chosen by fate. That choice led to the decision of your whole future. I do not know who your mate is, and I will never know. However, I know that you and the angel hound will face a battle in the future, which will result in one of your deaths, or both. If you win, you must conquer each realm, and create your own species. If you die, I'll be disappointed. The angel hound's true purpose imposes a great threat on our species, along with every realm in existence. They also hold a key, that can open an opportunity for mass destruction of the entire planet. I do not know the identity of the angel hound, but you must kill them."

This was a lot of information for the child to take in. And with this conversation, the violent side of the child's true form was triggered. He was angry that his parents had burdened him with his true form, destroying any chance of happiness. The rumours began, a demon hound who lived up to the name. Dangerous, animalistic, psycho and cold. He killed for fun, and he liked it.

This continued for a few years, until something happened. The hound had known the pack to which his mate belonged, but never got far enough to discovering their identity. His father wanted to punish his child, and retrieve the key, so he travelled to earth, releasing a group of demons on the angel hound's pack. This was a distraction. For the father just wanted the key. He expected to find the key, and the angel hound. His plan was to kill his child's true mate, punishing him for his violent actions and his disgraceful ways.

But all he found was the mother, an angel. A devilish smirk appeared on his face, and in one simple second he cursed the mother with a slow death. That was punishment enough for what his child had done.

With the woman's death began the angel hounds curiosity. Every day the hound would wonder if there was anyone else like them. What other abilities will they develop? When will their mate turn up? Who is their mate? But all he could really think about ;

"I cannot tell you your true purpose, for you are fated to discover that yourself."

There is only one person who truly knows the angel hounds true purpose. And that person, is the demon hound. Even I, the goddess of angels, do not know. I know neither his true purpose or they key's. The angel hound will soon find out, and it will not be easy knowing the truth.

"Only the truth can be told, my child. Only you can find out who you truly are. You may grow to hate me, just like your father did. You'll understand one day, when you find the person you've been waiting for your whole life. I can see the future, but if I tell you what happens it will change itself. All I can say is I'm proud of you, and I love you very much. Goodbye dear."

Tied by fate ~ Ereri / Riren {Omegaverse}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon