34. He makes me furious.

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VERY Angry Levi ,, sad Eren

1.wild or violent anger.
2.extreme strength or violence in an action or a natural phenomenon.


"If you're hiding things from me, I strongly suggest you fess up before I investigate myself."

He said that, and left.

No goodbye. No 'I love you.' He just ... left?

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

It's happening. The dreams are happening. Eren's getting stronger ... and he's hiding things.

His pheromones are getting stronger, and I'm picking them up easier.

Something about our alpha-omega bond is changing, and I have no idea if it's good or bad.

"Shitty glasses!! Where are you?"

She's impossible to find these days.

"In here shortie!!"

Shortie. Tch.

"Shitty glasses, the dreams are starting to become reality. What do I do?"

No point giving useless information when I can just get straight to it, right?

"Hm, Okay. Which dreams exactly?"

"Ones where Eren's pheromones overpower me, and we protect each other even if it puts us at risk of death. The ones where I get paranoid and think he's hiding things."

I don't want Eren to be hiding things. I don't want him to be protecting me. I'm supposed to protect him! I'm the alpha. I'm the demon hound. But he's protecting me. From what?

"If the dreams are coming true, it means that things are back to how they should be. Maybe you're supposed to be a little bit paranoid for a while so the world can get back on track."

She smiled slightly, almost as if she knew nothing could cover up the lie she was telling me.

"I can't be paranoid! It's driving me crazy. I can't sleep. And when I do I have the dreams. Whenever I'm with Eren it's like he's hiding things to protect me, which he shouldn't be doing. I'm supposed to protect him Hanji!"

I paced around the room, clearly frustrated. Somethings not write here. Everything's too suspicious.

"I-I'm sorry Levi, please forgive me."

"Wait Hanji wha-,"

She moved quickly, grabbing a needle from the sewing kit carefully placed on the table. She pricked my hand, the small wound drawing blood.

"What was the point of that Hanji?"

"Eren? Do you smell that?"

"Smell wha- holy shit."

The smell was like a sweet, perfumed, intoxicated pheromone. Not a wolf pheromone - no - this was extreme. Something about it was luring me in, making me want to smell more.

Then it happened. My throat tightened. The hunger began. Once again I wanted to drain someone of their blood and drink every last ounce of life out of them. But not just anyone ...


"Eren! Don't. Focus on me okay. Ignore the smell. Ignore the temptation. Don't do anything. Or you will regret it!"

Tied by fate ~ Ereri / Riren {Omegaverse}Where stories live. Discover now