29. I Promise.

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1. a declaration or assurance that one will do something or that a particular thing will happen.

1.assure someone that one will definitely do something or that something will happen.

I watched carefully as the room began to spin, Levi clearly identifying the change. I couldn't see what was happening, all I could see was Levi and anyone he talks to - in this case that was Eren.

I have to admit, what I saw, didn't surprise me, but it still caught me off guard.

His skin, the eyes, the fangs, it made sense. I always figured that Eren was more than just an angel hound. But I also figured that Levi was more than just a demon hound. If they were just simply wolves that were a little different, people wouldn't be so desperately trying to destroy everything they have.

Eren, being a vampire, it makes sense. But whether he's a vampire driven by bloodlust, or simply an angel hound possessing vampire traits, cannot be known. If he's a vampire, then what does that mean for Levi?

He loves Eren so much, I've seen him, seen the change. There's a softer side to him, one that cares deeply for another. But can one person really change who the demon hound is? Levi would still kill, if anyone ever hurt Eren, and at this rate, he'll have a pile of bodies at his feet.

From his reaction to Eren, I could tell he was confused and unsure of who his lover had become. He's scared that Eren's changed, that he's not going to be the boy he fell in love with anymore. He's also scared that Eren doesn't trust him, since he believes Eren didn't tell him everything about his past.

I never told Levi, but I missed Eren too. He'd become such a big part of all our lives, we all wanted to protect him. We'd all tried so hard to make Levi happy that when Eren came along and did it without even trying, it was a miracle.

"Levi, you only have about five minutes left, then the spell will wear off."

I was able to talk to Levi, but Eren wouldn't be able to see and hear me. He looked towards me and nodded, but I could see the concern and worry in his eyes.



"I have to go in a minute, I'm sorry, but I'm here because of a spell, and without a portal we can't bring you home."

"I-I can open portals."

"I-I can open portals."

He's changing, so much. Do I even know him anymore? Everything about him is so different now, he's a completely different person. I've missed out on so much. I dwelled on the past instead of being hopeful towards the future, having a hope that he was out there somewhere.

"You can open them? How? When did you find out?"

"Levi, there's a lot I need to explain. It's better if I show you what I've being doing after I, you know, died. I'll open a portal so you can come through. Are you with anyone?"

"Just Hanji. I'll stand back. Do your thing."

He smiled at me slightly. I've missed his smile. His laugh. His face. I've just missed him. I'm so grateful that I get to be with him again, he's my whole world and the only thing that can bring me happiness.

Eren carefully stood up, backing away slightly into the middle of the room. He looked so much skinnier - it was clear that he hadn't been fed in a while. He lifted his hand up slightly and closed his eyes, scrunching his face to concentrate more.

The small room became quite breezy, with Eren's bangs swooping across his forehead. A sudden purple ball of light appeared in Eren's hand, and he lifted his other hand and stretched the ball of light out. It became a long oval, big enough to allow people through.

"Come on Levi and Hanji! It's not going to kill you."

I hesitantly stepped forward, getting closer to the purple light that glowed in front of me. "Eren, are you sure this is safe?" I was concerned, it looked like it was draining so much energy out of him, and I didn't want Hanji and I to get stuck in some random realm. "Levi, just trust me."

Trust you.

How can I? You left, just as things started to change for the better. You lied. You didn't tell me you were the angel hound when we first met. You broke your promises. You promised you'd never leave, we promised each other, and you broke that.

But it's not your fault.

You were killed. You couldn't say goodbye or wish me well. You were lied to, too. You trusted people too much they just let you down. I broke my promise to you. My promise to always protect you.

My trail of thought was broken by the shouting of Hanji, trying to get my attention. "Levi! We have to go now, or we'll lose contact with Eren for good." We have to go. It was the only way to get back to Eren.

She grabbed my hand, and cautiously pulled me through the portal.

It wasn't anything like travelling to a different realm, it was more like travelling through a portal of time. Millions of memories of Eren and I flooded my brain, and appeared before Hanji and I.

As fast as it happened, it soon stopped again. My feet met the ground after twenty seconds or so, and I easily regained my sense of balance.

"H-Hanji? Levi!"

That voice. So soothing and calm. It reminded me of home. It reminded me of family. It reminded me of everything I never thought I'd have.
Eren's my family, he's my whole world.


Of course Hanji have Eren no calm welcoming to help ease his distressed emotions. She screamed at the top of her lungs, hugged him for too long, and would not stop banging about on one topic for hours and hours!

"Eren? Where are we going?"

"I-I want you both to meet some friends of mine. They helped me adapt to this realm and taught me a lot of things that I didn't know about myself before."

"So you're death was kind of like a discovering who you truly are activity?"

"Hanji, shut up. Not the time."

"Levi don't be so rude!"

"I'll portal us there, since I have no clue where Grisha was holding me captive. Give me a second."

Once again, we were off. Hanji and I were finally allowed to witness the society that Eren had adapted to and lived in until we found him today.

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