Forty Seven

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"B, where you going?" Don called from behind me. I was walking away from him and about to make my way back to the hotel. I didn't want him coming after me and I was getting upset that my feet and legs weren't carrying me away fast enough. He had some nerve to try and talk to me after the stunt he had just pulled. I could knock his neck off his shoulders right now. "Britni! Don't make me yell like this!" I halted my walking and turned around. "Kiss my fat, round, black ass! You didn't care when I was yelling a few minutes ago! No, you thought the shit was funny. Go away, Adonis!" I turned and continued on my mission back to the hotel where I had managed to lock him out of the room.

He had all the nerve in the world to piss me off after the day that we just had. I missed the dance convention and my kids showing out with their dance moves from sitting downtown with him. And then he decides to want to do something "crazy" and that was how we ended up at a strip club. Not your average strip club being that it was the night that old ass, washed up strippers were at. I'm talking saggy titties and ass and just....old. One of them didn't even have all of her teeth and she stuck by us all night. Possibly because Don was the baller of the night.

The owner had the nerve to ask this man to take a picture for spending money. Don was officially on their Big Spender's Wall Of Fame and I was no good after that. Clearly this hole in the wall was doing something. After we left from there, we gambled a bit and I won a couple thousand dollars. I had figured that our night was over until Don pulled me to go zip lining. He knew that I was afraid of heights but for him, I sucked that fear up. And just thinking about it pissed me off.

"Come on, B, we can cross together." Don said. "Hell nah, I don't want to and I'm afraid of heights." I shook my head and backed away. "Step into the damn harness and slide across this place. There's even a net underneath incase you fall." "I said no!" I pouted and stomped my foot for a dramatic effect. "Baby you holding up the line!" He yelled.

"Adonis it's almost three in the damn morning, what line are we holding up? It's two other people here and that's the damn instructors. Now go on and do the damn thing." My arms folded across my chest. "You trust me, right?" "Of course I trust you." I rolled my eyes at the fact that he even asked me that. "Alright so let me strap you up." He said with a small smirk. I stood and allowed him to secure the harness around my body.

"I'll see you on the other side." Don spoke against my lips before pecking them a few times. "Can't we hold hands? Babe, please don't make me do it alone." I felt tears stinging my eyes; I refused to let them fall because real thugs don't cry. "No, now put your hands up on the bar and wait for the guy to give you instructions go take off. And remember not to look down."

The start of the zip line started off smooth and I was constantly chanting to myself not to look down when I felt my right hand start to slip. "Fuck me." I silently panicked because I was now hanging with my left hand and that too was slipping. I made the mistake of looking down and saw nothing except for white net beneath me. In my mind I was trying to keep calm but I was screaming like a damn fool with tears falling down my face.

"BRITNI JUST LET GO!" I heard Don yell as he passed me. "NO!" I screamed. "LYING ASS! YOU SAID I WOULD BE OKAY AND I'M NOT FUCKING O-" My words were cut short as my left hand lost it's grip. I swear that my life flashed before my eyes and all that I could think about was how Junior was about to be a motherless child and that Don better not ever think about moving on to let some hoe take over my duties. It was his fault that I was about to die in the first place because he probably didn't even strap me up right.; Why should he be happy?

My eyes opened once I hit the net. I was alive. "Ugh!" I yelled while still bouncing around in the stupid net. "The fuck you up there laughing for? Wait until I get out of this thing." I continued to talk shit to Don while the people came down to save me. I was relieved once my feet were placed on the ground and I wasted no time walking away with him chasing after me.

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