Thirty Four

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"Here's Mommy, say hello." Don said coming over to me with his annoying ass. "Adonis if you don't get that damn camera out of my face, I'm going to break you in two and smash that thing to pieces."

I was so annoyed that he had come home with a brand new camera the other day. It was for the baby and to capture every moment. The only thing that he was doing with it was being in my face and trying to get me to take pictures and talk to the camera.

He just smiled and zoomed in on me. "Baby, just say something." Turning over to my side I stuck my middle finger up at Don. "If you want to fuck then just say so B." He climbed up on the bed and turned me onto my back, spreading my legs, kneeling in between them.

"Moovveee." I whined mad that I couldn't move him myself. A small smirk formed on his face. "Beg me." I just shook my head and closed my eyes.

"Don move. I'm not in the mood to play. My back hurts, I look like a walrus, this boy doesn't want to come and I just don't want to be pregnant anymore." I started crying. I was entering the last week of my pregnancy and it was taking a huge toll on me. "Come on baby, don't cry. He will get here when he's ready and if you look like a walrus at least you're a sexy ass one." He tried to joke.

His little joke did not help at all. "Okaayyy. I'll just leave you alone since you don't want to be bothered." He said standing and leaning over to kiss my lips before walking out of the room.

After getting myself together I got up to find Don. I wanted to apologize to him because I felt like I was mean about the entire camera situation and not wanting to joke around. He was just trying to make me feel better. I found him in the game room with Maleek playing Madden.

"Brit the brat. Wassup?" Maleek said holding his fist out which I bumped walking past him. "Trying to get this baby out." I sat beside Don and leaned into him. "Babe." He didn't answer. "Adonis don't make me pull the plug on this damn game, answer me."

He sighed and paused the game. "Sorry Leek." I told him. "I just wanted to apologize for snapping on you about the camera and the whole crying spell. I'm just tired and.." I trailed off biting my bottom lip. "You know I hate apologizing, are you really going to make me finish?" My mouth formed into a small pout.

"Fix your face, you look like Alayna." Don said hugging me. "No I don't and speaking of my sister, she should be here soon." Don poked his lips out and I leaned in and kissed them quickly before pulling away. "So no sex all weekend?" I laughed at him. "No sex all weekend." I repeated as he kissed me again licking my lip for entrance which I allowed.

"Uh guys," Maleek called. "I'm still in here and I don't want to see Britni's goods. I just want to play the game." I looked down to see my dress bunched up around my hips. "Sorry Leek." My face was all hot as I apologized. "Man get out then. Shit." Don smacked his lips and glared at me when I smacked his chest. "Be nice. I wasn't trying to have sex anyway."

Don pulled my dress down and lifted me to my feet just as the door bell rang. "Hey Lay, hey Mommy." I hugged them both. "Doooonnn!" Alayna yelled running to him. He picked her up and tossed her in the air. The girl was six for crying out loud. Too big to be thrown in the air.

"She loves herself some Adonis." My mom said shaking her head. "If she gets to be too much, call us. And when she goes to bed y'all need to sex that baby into this world."

I couldn't help but to laugh before pushing her out the door. "How about you and Daddy go work on another. My baby needs someone to grow up with." She popped me in the head after that. "Doesn't sound like a bad idea but I don't want anymore kids. The three that I have is enough." She kissed my cheek before getting in the car and driving off while I returned into the house.

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