XVIII - "Excited"

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The bell for last class rang and I would usually leave school early but I don't have Robin with me. So instead, I'm just going to chill in the library and wait for school to end, maybe even get started in my book report that's due by next week.

"Are you sure you're going to be okay in the library?" Blake asked as I grabbed my backpack from him. The boys have been slightly worried for me since the situation yesterday, they're even scared of leaving me alone with my thoughts. I don't blame them, I'm even scared of being alone with my thoughts, but I have the book to distract me. These boys are like parents that are always on my back but it's actually cute to see them this way; all protective and such.

I nodded my head in response and started walking in the direction of the library while Blake went to his last class for the day. The hallways slowly started to clear up and I suddenly felt a pair of eyes watching me from behind - I stopped in my tracks and my palms started to get sweaty when the negative thoughts started to flood my mind. My breathing became uneven as I stood there frozen in my spot. My hands gripped onto the straps of my back pack as I started to hear their screams again.

The screams of agony rang through my ears once again as if I were reliving it all over again. The kids he would drag down to the basement, the way he'd make me watch him torture my elementary friends, my heart beating a mile a minute against my ribcage, I was scared it was going to leap out any second. I shut my eyes tightly, trying to get rid of the thoughts and the words that rang through my ears.

"You ruined me, Diamonds. And soon, I will ruin you..."

I felt someone's hand touch my shoulder and I jumped back in fear. My breathing became heavy of panic but I turned around to see Kai looking at me with concern. Students started packing the hallways once again and making their way home while I just stood in the middle of the hallway. I then noticed Liam and Blake standing beside him, also watching me curiously.

"Princess, can you hear me?" Kai's muffled voice started taking over my hearing and I started to take deep breaths.

After my heart beat started to steady, I looked back up to them with a small assuring smile. I tilted my head towards the door and I started making my way to the car. How long have I been standing there for? Did it really last that long?

Liam ran up from behind me and opened the car door when Kai unlocked it. I slid in without making eye contact with him and sat there trying to control my breathing once again.

What's happening to me? It hasn't been this bad in what seems like forever. Maybe because, he's back, and he probably has a plan to make things hurt more than they did before. But how far would he go just to make my life hell?

The car door shut beside me and I looked over to Kai who was starting the engine. "Where are we going now?" I asked more weakly than I would have wanted.

"Today, we're gonna start setting up your bedroom. You excited?" He asked with a big grin on his face.

I started dancing in my seat out of happiness with a big smile plastered on my face. I actually was excited because I can finally decorate it the way I want it to be, I was so thrilled to start decorating. I think I was more excited than most people but I didn't care. I was happy and I needed this, it was absolutely amazing. The thought of Jewels immediately dissolved from my thoughts as I started to think about how I wanted my new room to be arranged.

Kai let out a laugh at my excitement, like a genuine laugh that made me melt into my seat. I stopped dancing and stared at him in surprise while he kept glancing between the road and I.

"What?" He asked with a smile that was so beautiful, I could've died right there.

"Your laugh makes me happy," I blurted out without thinking, but I didn't regret it. That was the first time I've admitted that I was happy in a long time, and I loved it.

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