XIV - "Beginning"

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I stepped into the large concrete room and I looked back nervously to see my reflection. The others were watching from the one way mirror so they couldn't distract me from my fighting, which I couldn't be more grateful for. I couldn't think that I was fighting for the Deck of Cards, I had to think that I was involved in just another one of my fights for Williams. If I don't, I think I might just end up losing this fight for them.

I turned back towards the door I had entered through and saw a 5'11 man started walking towards me. I wasn't intimidated by his height or his muscles since I was only 5'7, and even though I didn't show much muscle I still had it within me. He stopped a few feet in front of me and that's when I noticed that he too had a mask, but he only had black joggers on which gave me a perfect once over of his tattoos. Those tattoos, where have I seen them before?

A bell rang throughout the concrete walls of the room and I dodged one of his swings just by an inch. We started circling around each other as we prepared in our fighting stances, cautiously watching each other's movements. He then tried to pull a fake punch by reaching in with his left hand, but actually going in with his right. Too bad that I knew that move too well and ducked in time before his fists could make contact with my cheeks. I sent him a punch to the gut which caught him off balance and so I went with an uppercut to his jaw. He stumbled back a bit wiggling his jaw and I took that as my chance to send him a kick to the ribcage. He hunched over a bit and tried blocking my swings with his arms where I noticed it.

The one tattoo that I'd never forget. The one where he promised the worst once I see him again, it was his way of showing that he'd always be permanent in my life. All of the memories started flooding my mind again at the realization that it could be... but it couldn't... but now I don't even care. I'm fucking pissed.

I leaned back in and started going swing after swing towards every exposed part of his body. He got in a few punches here and there but I had the upper hand which was really quite pathetic. The fact that he permanantly promised the worst but here I am, beating him into a pulp. My anger rushed through my body and I couldn't care if I had killed him or not. I kept going as I punched his temple and blood started gushing out, the blood sprayed on my face a couple of times but I didn't care, all I saw was red, literally.

I backed him up into a wall until he leaned against it for support. After a couple of more kicks, I leaned into his face, "You fucking disgust me," I spat out ruthlessly before I punched his nose once again - causing his head to jolt back into the concrete wall and fall limp onto the cold floor. I towered over his body and felt my chest heaving up and down at disappointment and being overwhelmed. I stepped back slowly from his unconscious body and snapped my head towards the opening of a door.

Blake stood at the doorway with a big grin on his face when he looked between my so called opponent and I until he held his arms open. I weakly giggled at his offer and ran up towards him - I jumped into his embrace and wrapped my legs around his torso as he held me up from under my bottom. He laughed at the impact, "Good job kiddo," he complimented excitedly. I laughed into his shoulder as he closed the door and faced back to the guys while I just faced the wall behind them.

" 'Kiddo?' So you're a young girl aren't you sweetheart?" An unfamiliar voice asked. I tightened my legs around Blake and turned so I could face the conversationalist. The man with the dark hair and same colored eyes was smirking at me and Blake's position before he nervously approached me.

"I don't think I formerly introduced myself, I'm Jake Blackwell, second in command of the Royal Aces. And might I say, you have quite a skill, kiddo," he said while sticking his hand up for me to shake. I looked down from his hand up to his eyes where I stared in for a little bit longer. He was trying to pull me in for a negotiation, I know he was. I didn't want any part of it and his deals so I turned back around and wrapped my arms around Blake's neck once again. Blake laughed at my sassiness and rubbed my back while his other hand effortlessly held me up. I know I'm probably acting like a big baby right now but who am I kidding? I'm still a big fucking baby, and after I realized who I had just fought, I didn't want to be here anymore.

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