XXI - "Apology"

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The light of the sun shone over my eyes which made me wake up from my beautiful dreams of Soldier and I running through a meadow. A smile played on my lips at the memory of last night's conversation and I sat up in bed with happiness running through my body.

I can finally be happy, I can finally walk the earth without constantly checking over my shoulder and using violence as my first reflex - I can be truly and utterly happy. And that, was my new motivation to get up in the morning. I can finally start my day without worry, but instead, with joy. And I don't plan on wasting it one bit.

I hopped out of bed and saw Soldier sleeping peacefully on his large bed and I shook him awake for breakfast.

"Hey my big aggressive baby, breakfast," I whispered. He lifted his head up to yawn and stretched out his muscles before we both slowly walked down the stairs for breakfast.

When we reached the dining room I was met with all three boys stuffing their faces and discussing something about the gang. I noticed Soldier's bowls already filled with food and water next to my chair and I gave the maid a thankful smile. She nodded and gave me a warm smile of her own before running off to the other room.

I sat down in my seat while Soldier sat in front of his food, awaiting a signal again. "Go," and he started munching on his dog food immediately at my cue.

"Wow, he really does listen to you," Liam said with his mouth full.

"Swallow your food first step bro I can't understand an idiot," I said while sipping on my orange juice even though I heard him. He rolled his eyes at me and continued to eat as did I.

"What are you guys gonna do about Jack?" I asked as I cut my pancakes.

"We're gonna get some answers out of him, figure out why he was trying to steal from us and why the Royal Aces decided to hijack our shipments," Kai explained as he chewed on a piece of bacon.

I tossed Soldier a piece of my egg, "You might want to talk to Ogus about it first," I suggested.

"Why do you say that?" He asked skeptically.

"If the Royal Aces actually wanted to steal your shipment they would've been more slick about it. It was too easy to get into those data servers and if it were Ogus, it wouldn't take just a couple of seconds," I pointed out as I shoved an egg into my mouth.

They all looked at each other questioningly before looking back at me, "How do you know that?"

"Austin told me they were one of the strongest gangs, so why wouldn't they be more careful about it?" I asked as if it was obvious.

They all looked at each other once again as if they were speaking with their minds and nodded their heads at a plan, "Ok, we'll invite them to dinner tonight, and it would be great if you joined. You in?" Kai asked smirking.

"Can't," his face dropped, "Fighting for Williams tonight," I finished.

"Okay, tomorrow night then, good?" He asked looking around the table for approvals. We all nodded our heads in agreement and finished our breakfasts.

"What are your plans for today?" I asked.

"Well, I don't know how to not be blunt about this, but we're killing your brother and questioning Jack," Blake said downing the rest of his juice.

"I'm coming with," I stated as I stood up from my chair.

"No you're not," Kai chuckled humorlessly.

"I want to see the life die from my brother's eyes. I'm coming with whether you like it or not," I said with my jaw clenched. He looked up to me to see if I were bluffing but nodded his head after I proved that I wasn't.

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