XXXXVII - "Surprise"

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"Kai! C'mon I can't wait all day!" I yell from the bottom of the staircase.

Today, Kai wants to take me somewhere this morning. I don't know where he's taking me though, he said it was supposed to be a surprise even though I could be studying for my tests today. But he told me that I could just make afternoon classes which wasn't actually a bad idea, but it wasn't really a good one either. If I were going to miss my morning classes I would've spent it at the base, or in my home office, or even with Soldier. But no, Kai wants to surprise me. Which could be anything really, he could kill me for all I know and nobody would know.

And as much as I don't want to do this, it could help Kai feel better. Maybe doing something other than paperwork and going to school could be good for Kai, it could make him happy. And my personal mission right now: make Kai happy.

Kai stepped out of the elevator wearing his usual all black outfit topped with his black leather jacket; typical bad boy. Kai and I were like two separate people but we can create the same mischief with each other. Honestly if it weren't that awkward between us you could put us in a room full of pillows but we'd still be pointing our guns at each other.

"You look gorgeous as always princess," Kai beamed as we approached the garage with Soldier by my side. I literally just let Soldier pick my outfit and threw it on, so I expect to look gorgeous if my doggy picked the clothes himself.

The groomer had put this conditioner into Soldier's fur that makes him feel like clouds. His fur doesn't look as bushy as before either but he still looks like a handsome good boy either way, there's no way he could look ugly.

I tossed Kai the keys to the Audi RS6 and let Soldier jump into the backseat and I got into the passengers seat as well. I curled into the seat as Kai drove out to the street and sped down the road like there was no tomorrow.

"Where are we going?" I asked innocently.

"Breakfast Dia," he replied in a very 'duh' tone.

I didn't know what to expect out of Kai when he says we're going out somewhere to eat because the restaurants always end up being five stars and we sit in a secluded area. But it sure as hell wasn't this.

Kai rounded the car and opened the door for me once we had gotten to Einstein Bagels, and also opened the car door for Soldier. He opened the door for us to enter the cafe and the soothing aroma of coffee beans filled the air like rain pouring onto your skin. The cafe was cozy and soft chatter filled the air since it was still early in the morning, and the sounds of blenders rang through my ears and it was insanely comforting. I guess I've been so caught up with work that I almost forgot to relax a little, and this was working well.

Kai had sat me and Soldier down at a small booth as he went to go order my 'Surprise Breakfast.' I looked around the walls at the many large paintings and drawings that shone under the golden lights. I looked out the window and looked at the many cars and buildings that decorated the earth, the vehicles speeding by holding a person with their own story and heading to their own destination. The blue sky held the puffy clouds almost as soft as Soldier's fur and the breeze brushed past the many trees that surrounded the cafe. It was a beautiful scene and I took my phone out to take a picture, maybe add it to my photo wall.

"Here's your surprise breakfast," Kai announced as he set the two trays on the table. I looked at the tray in front of me and I was pleased with what it consisted of.

The plate was truly a surprise and it held many fruits and proteins on it. A large hash brown with an avocado toast added to the deliciousness as well as the bagel. There was an iced caramel macchiato that sat on top of the napkin that had the word 'surprise' written on it.

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