I - "Used to be"

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You've got to be kidding me.

I slam my fist on my alarm clock and look at the time, 5:28. I drag myself out of bed and towards my dresser to get my leggings and sports bra to start my morning run. It's been part of my normal routine ever since I've become involved in this life. It was hard in the beginning but now it seems as easy as putting a cherry on top of a sundae.

I look outside to see the sun still rising as it is only still early in the morning, which I was more than okay with since I like running in the cold. As I trod down the stairs and towards the front door through the quiet house, I can only imagine what today is going to be like. I didn't really care since I just needed my energy to be boosted up for the day but other than that, I'm still kind of nervous.

During my run I can only think about the possibilities of what's going to happen today, I mean your first day at a new school can kind of do that to you. I know for a fact that it won't be as nerve racking as my first day of freshmen year, so that kind of put me at ease.

After my run I hurry up the stairs as fast as possible as I try and avoid other people from seeing me. It's not that I'm insecure about my body or anything, I just don't like people, period. They're always those people that are nosy, judgy, or fake in general. And the sad thing is you can never tell which is which because people are so good at acting these days it's unbelievable. So as much as possible, I don't talk to them, I don't interact with them, and I sure as hell try to avoid any attention towards me. It's just annoying, you know what I mean? I hope you know what I mean.

I strip myself from my clothing and hop into the shower where the warm water engulfs my sweaty state of a body. I head to my walk in closet and grab normal high waisted blue jeans and an oversized hoodie that goes to my knees. Yeah, a little extreme but it floats my boat. I let my hair air dry as I grab my converse and double check if everything is in my bag. Once I am more than positive everything is where it's supposed to be I grab my phone and head downstairs.

As I make my way to the kitchen I'm met with the delicious aroma of pancakes and bacon. My nose follows the smell and I see my mom and her new husband making breakfast together.

"Good morning sweetie! How was your sleep?" My mom asks as she places the last pancake on a plate. I shrug in response and head to my seat.

"Morning kiddo, you ready for your first day at Wilson High?" Jared asks as he sets my breakfast down in front of me. I don't say anything but smile and dig into my breakfast.

Jared is my mom's new husband and they've been together for quite awhile now actually. They got married in my home town and I couldn't have been more happy for her. It was always me and her in my life since my biological dad had left us when I was only six, but it's okay because 11 years later im doing great without him. My mom and I decided to move in with Jared since his house has more space and let me tell you, it had MORE than enough space, really. It was a mansion and I couldn't believe it was only Jared and his son living here, who sadly couldn't make their wedding. Jared has son that I've only seen during meals but hey, I'm not complaining. Apparently he is just 'nervous' around me which I highly doubt because he looks at me like I'm a disease. So as much as possible, I try and avoid him.

Speaking of the devil, Liam walks into the kitchen and drops his backpack near his chair and digs into his breakfast as well. As much as I don't want to admit it, he is kind of hot. With his auburn brown hair and light brown eyes he looks almost intimidating. See, I hide under my hoodies so much that I don't even think he knows what I look like. Well, to sum it up for you, I have dark black hair and hazel eyes with honey colored skin. I know what you're thinking, 'OMG YOU MUST BE SUCH A BABE!' well shit maybe I am but I wouldn't care.

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