XXXXXV - "Confidence"

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Do you ever feel so confident in yourself that when you finally solve a problem, you can't help but feel happiness run through your body? The type of confidence where you just let your happiness take over and you end up skipping up and down the halls of your highschool? No? Well I feel terrible for you.

"Someone's in a good mood," Kai said as he approached my locker.

I nodded my head at him and he held out a small flower that I took oh so gratefully from him, "Is this happiness going to stay for the day?" He smirked.

I tapped my chin and pretended to look deep in thought, but I just shrugged my shoulders and wrapped my arms around his waist while resting my chin on his chest. He smelled so good, well, he always smells good.

"You look beautiful today princess," he whispered only loud enough for me to hear. I stood on my tippy toes and kissed him deeply in the middle of the hallway. I heard a couple of people gasp as they watched us but I actually didn't care this time, I just deepened the kiss even more.

I finally pulled away and smiled up at him, "What was that for?" He smiled.

I bit my lip and closed my locker, I ignored his question just to tease him and Soldier and I walked to homeroom. Leaving Kai a little shocked in the hallway.

"Good morning precious," Blake beamed as I sat down in my seat. I gave him a nod in return and soon Kai sat down next to me, eyeing me carefully.

The school day went by with me acting like nothing happened yesterday, and the guys eyeing me worriedly since. I just wanted to spend these next few days with Kai and the boys without any problems, without any complications- just until Saturday. Just a little longer and I can take care of him when he least expects it.

"Where are you headed to princess?" Kai asks as he slung his arm over my shoulder through the parking lot.

"Something for the gang, no biggie," I shrugged my shoulders.

"Well, if it's no biggie, can I come with you?" He smirks.

"Confidential," is all I say as I let Soldier jump in the passengers seat. "Tomorrow though, we're hanging out," I winked.

"Of course princess," he kissed my forehead and held the driver's door open for me as I slid in.

I drove out of the parking lot and turned to Soldier with a frown, "Let's just pray that everything goes as smoothly as possible, yeah buddy?" I rubbed his head as he let out a whimper.

"I know, I know, but it'll be alright. Everything is going to be fine."

I didn't know who I was trying to convince more, Soldier or myself. I wasn't even a hundred percent sure everything was going to go as planned, but I just hoped it did. And I hoped that my faith in this plan was enough, and I can't let anything get in the way of it, even my boyfriend. I didn't like lying, especially to him because he's supposed to trust me but I keep hiding shit from him. I just, I just want these next few days to be memorable, I want to make him happy.

I park Robin in the garage and head up to my bedroom quickly to get changed. I decided to wear something discreet but make it look like I wasn't trying to be discreet, you know what I mean? So I decided to just wear a normal pair of black leggings, my old school black vans, a black tank top and topped it with a black leather jacket.

I walk back out into the garage and let Soldier into the matte black Verde Themis SVJ and typed in the address that Sam had told me. I know I shouldn't be rushing things too soon, but the sooner this goes down, the sooner everything will be fine.


After driving for almost an hour, a large abandoned looking warehouse came into view along with a good amount of expensive cars parked in front of it. A dark Knight symbol was plastered on the side of it and I immediately knew I had come to the right place, but how was I supposed to get in there?

Silent But Deadly// COMPLETED✔️Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora