XII - "Joy"

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The boys and I decided to go to a diner for breakfast before I took George out for his surprise - wait, no - I decided to go to a diner but the boys insisted coming with us instead of heading to school. I knew I wasn't going to win since it was three against one so here we are now, at Denny's enjoying our delicious waffles. All three dressed in black ripped jeans, white t-shirts, and black leather jackets. George settled on a black fitted shirt that showed his biceps perfectly with dark blue jeans and his hair in it's original swept up style. I wore a blue Tommy Hilfiger sweater and black ripped jeans as well and my black slip on vans with my hair in it's natural waves.

"So you're not going to tell me what you did?" George asked as he sipped on his coffee.

"You ask that like I killed somebody, again," I mumbled which made George choke on his coffee. I giggled at his reaction and wiped his mouth, "No but seriously I'm not going to tell you dude." I replied as I shoved another piece of my waffle into my mouth.

"So George, how old are you?" Liam questioned. I rolled my eyes at how he was trying to act like the overprotective older brother but deep down I didn't mind. It showed that he cared- wait, I can't have anybody caring about me.

"Stop the act Liam," I glared at him which he only returned with the smirk.

"Answer the question," Kai pushed.

"I'm 19."

Blake snapped his head towards me with wide eyes, "He's 19?!" He whisper yelled so no one's attention was towards us. I nodded my head to him in annoyance and he turned to George, "How in the fuck do you know Diamonds?"

"We grew up together," he answered looking between the guys nervously. It was quite ironic how he was older than them but then again, they're in a gang.

"Is that so? Well are you guys dating now?" Kai questioned him with an eyebrow cocked. Is he jealous? Is he being defensive towards me? He doesn't have a right to just question George like that, none of them have a right to question George like this!

Even though I felt uncomfortable in this situation, George and I looked at each other then back at the boys before we burst into laughter.

"D-did he really ask that?" He asked between laughter. I couldn't form my words with how much laughter was going on before we shared our small little handshake as we died down. We continued to eat with a few giggles here and there before Kai broke the silence, "So?"

I looked back at him and smirked, "No Kai, we have never dated," I added an eye roll for dramatic effect.

"Honestly I don't even think Almonds has had a boyfriend before," George giggled. I looked up to him and stared in annoyance, "You did not just-"

"Oh but I just did," he challenged.

"You son of a-"

"Almonds?" Liam asked curiously.

"Yes, Almonds. There was this girl that would always call her 'Almonds' since she didn't really know how to pronounce her name. Everybody caught onto it and called her that and eventually made fun of her," he giggled at a memory, "I remember when Zack Johnson actually threw peanuts and almonds at you because of it." The whole table burst into laughter at the short story, while I just sat there poking at my food.

"Aw what's wrong Almonds?" Blake cooed.

"Call me that again and I'll shove my foot up your-"

"How's everybody doing?" A waitress appeared out of nowhere and checked up on us. We all nodded our heads in satisfaction while she inched over to Kai, who was sitting at the end of the booth.

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