XX - "Soldier"

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After turning in the assignments I had already finished after school, I decided to go take a 'me' day and relax while I still can. I can't even remember the last time I've had a day like this because I've been so caught up with fighting and business with Williams that I never really had time to relax. So my agenda is full for today and now I'm on my way to the spa.

I pulled into the parking lot and made my way into the cozy building. The smell of coconut filled the air and I immediately fell in love with it. I walked up to the front desk and gave a warm smile to the lady looking at a computer.

"How may I help you?" She asked with a smile of her own.

Remembering that I don't have anyone with me, I had to speak up, "I have an appointment under Veronica," Yeah yeah, I use a fake name when making appointments but that's only because I'm a little paranoid of someone hunting me down and trying to find as much information as possible like I did with Jake, I like to be discreet.

"Oh yes, you can go ahead and follow Maria to the back and we'll get you started."


After two hours of getting a massage and a mani-pedi, I went to the mall to do a bit of shopping. I got some new shoes, a few pair of leggings and jeans, and went to Victoria Secret for some lingerie. I even went to the food court to get some Subway while walking around the mall.

As I was about to head home a pet store caught my eye and before I knew it, I was already staring at puppies. I looked around the store for awhile before a Siberian husky with steel blue eyes caught my attention and my heart melted at the sight of it. It was staring at me quite attentively and we ended up having a stare off.

"He must like you," a man in a blue vest came up to me and stood by my side.

"Whenever somebody comes by he usually barks at them, but this is the first time I've ever seen him so silent and make eye contact with a human before," he explained. An idea popped into my head in a flash that would probably make Kai mad but I didn't care, this doggo could be useful to us and plus, it already loves me.

"How much?" I asked as I crouched down to get a better look at him.

"Around $200 ma'am," he said rocking back and forth on his feet.

"Why so cheap?" I asked surprised. The other dogs in this shop were at least over five hundred, some even over a thousand.

"This dog is very aggressive. He's caused a lot of problems and plus, no one likes a dog that excessively barks all the time, he's been here for awhile since no one will buy him," he explained scratching the back of his neck.

"Perfect," I whispered. I stood back up and looked at the man with a mischievous smile etched on my face, "I'll take him."

"A-are you sure?" He asked uncertain.

"You heard me," I replied harshly. He nodded his head and went to the back to retrieve him. I watched as he clipped a leash onto his collar and brought him back out to me. When he came back out he handed me the leash uneasily.

"T-this is the quietest he's ever been," he stated astonished. I shrugged my shoulders and he led me to the counter for payment. I looked at the little tags hanging on the side and I tossed a black one in the shape of a paw to him.

"What are you gonna name him?" He asked as he put it under a machine that etched words onto it.

After awhile of thinking a great name for him popped into my head, "Soldier," I looked down to the dog for assurance and he just stared up at me.

"That's the perfect name for an aggressive dog like him," he chuckled. Just then the dog barked at him which made the clerk jump back up in fear.

I giggled and crouched down so we were at eye level, "Good boy," I said scratching his chin. In response he started panting through his mouth which made him look like he was smiling. I giggled and added in some dog food, treats, a new leash, a new collar, toys, a bed, and bowls.

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