XXXV - "Exhausted"

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My heart felt like it had been torn out of my chest and replaced with a thousand bricks. My chest constricted as I saw him doing the same thing he did to me. Tears threatened to spill, but I wouldn't let them. I promised myself I wouldn't cry over a man who wouldn't cry over me so I held myself back from letting a tear shed from my hazel eyes.

I stood there blankly, while Liam and Blake looked slightly embarrassed at letting me walk into this, but looked more regretful. Soldier closed his mouth from panting so much and looked up at me for an order. But my mouth wouldn't let me say anything. The lump in my throat grew bigger and I constantly kept gulping it down because this type of man did not deserve such a reaction out of me.

Soldier scratched on my exposed leg and whimpered a bit. And when he didn't see me move, he turned back towards Kai and barked.

Kai quickly turned his head in my direction and the regret quickly washed over his face like a bucket of cold water. The guilt he held in his eyes showed just as clear as his black suit, and his hair was messier than my emotions right now.

He looked between the three of us and pushed the girl away quickly and started rushing towards me, but I turned around and disappeared into the sea of people in a flash before he could speak to me.

I heard him calling my name from behind me, but it all turned into muffles. And that's all I heard as I rushed between the people, muffles. The orchestra was now left far behind me as well as the chatter of the other partiers. The only clear thing I could hear was my heart beating quickly against my chest and the sound of my rapid breathing. I kept looking around for anybody else that was familiar to me, but no one came into view and that made me panic a little bit more.

I finally made the choice of not trying to find anybody but instead deal with my panicked state myself. I pushed past the people to the nearest wall and leaned against it. I kneeled down so I was eye level with Soldier and started softly running my hands through his fur, trying to steady the rhythm of my breathing. I felt his paw on my shoulder and I knew he was trying to comfort me in my state, and I still swear he's not a dog.

I looked back up to him to see him panting, making it look like he was smiling. I kissed his head and stood back up just as I felt my wrist vibrate. I looked down to the watch and saw a message from Joe.

You can announce in five minutes, where are you?

I looked around for anything he could look for to find me. I finally saw the bathroom sign and texted him where I was. I then rushed into the bathroom so I could get more air and get away from the large crowd; and plus, I need to pee.

I unlocked the stall door to see Soldier patiently waiting for me on the other side. I rubbed his head before washing my hands in the porcelain sink.

I looked up at my reflection and made sure the door was locked before I took off my mask. I examined my features for anything that showed any signs of sadness, and luckily there was nothing.

I shouldn't have come back. I should've just tried to ignore their presence this whole time and act as if I didn't know them. I should've just gotten this night over with and went back home to finish my shit. But I didn't, and do you know why?

Because I had thought Kai was more than the man I saw back there. I believed that he was doing everything for me, because he genuinely liked me. I believed we were growing into something and that we would've lasted longer than just 24hrs.

But now that was all a waste. My time, my words, my breath, my kisses, my first kiss, my first, it went all to waste. It's like he had crumbled me up into a ball full of stupidity and foolishness and threw me away like he has with other women. He disrespected me, and even though I did it first, this one was so much worse.

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