XVI - "Our, not My"

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I pulled into the parking lot in front of George's complex. My mind was racing with different outcomes this conversation could end with, or if he would even explain everything to me in the first place. No, if he won't tell me, I'll make him tell me, I wanted to understand Diamonds. She makes me feel whole, like she filled in the emptiness that she left. God I miss her, I miss her so much. But if I can get to Diamonds, I feel like I don't have to grieve any longer.

Her walls are guarded up so high that she creates this 'strong' facade, I just want to see the girl behind those walls, and I want to show her how to love. I've never felt so close to somebody in such a long time and it makes me slightly nervous. Am I sure that I want to find out about Diamonds? Am I sure I want to know the truth? I'm not sure, I'm just certain that I want to take care of her and show her what she's been missing all of her life.

The ding of the elevator pulled me out of my daze and I searched down the hallways for 923. Once I was finally in front of it, I was hesitant to knock. My knuckles hovered over the wooden door until I sucked in a breath, and gently continued.

After a few seconds the door swung open and I was met with a very surprised George.

"Kai right?" He asked unsurely.

"Yeah, may I?" I asked gesturing to the living room.

"Yeah, course man," I walked over to one of the couches and sank down while my eyes were on the view of the city outside. Diamonds really does have a good taste in views.

"So what's up? You want something to drink?" He asked as he sat down on the couch in front of me.

"No, I'm alright. I just came here to find out Diamonds' story," I watched as George stiffened in his spot before clearing his throat, "W-what do you mean?"

"I mean her family, Jewels, the fighting, all of it. Talk," I questioned as I glared at George.

He bit on the side of his cheek and shook his head, "I don't think Diamonds would want me to-"

"Diamonds isn't being Diamonds right now George. She's fucking pissed," I interrupted.

"Pissed? Why-"

"I'll explain once you tell me, " I pushed.

He sucked in a breath of air before leaning back into the sofa and relaxed, "Well, we've known each other since, ever. I was with her through everything man, I watched her change into someone I didn't recognize but I knew if I asked questions it would make her uncomfortable, so I just waited until she would speak up, and when she did, it was already too late."

"Too late? What do you mean?" I wondered.

"You see, Jewels is Diamonds' 23 year old brother, and before they were inseparable. Sometimes I even got jealous of how close they were but I understood because they were siblings, their bond was really strong and she learned a lot from him back then," he leaned in and placed his elbows on his knees and let out a breath, "When Diamonds was in sixth grade, she slowly started to change. Kids would suddenly go missing and Diamonds kept her head down most of the time. Her goofy little outfits turned into a hoodie that looked like a dress and an old pair of jeans, and she's worn that every day throughout middle school."

"I stayed by her most of the time because I knew that she needed a friend, even though she tried to push me away, me being so stubborn, decided to stick with her. We wouldn't talk but would enjoy each other's presence but right after school she would disappear to get home really quick. She was the most gorgeous girl in the school who loved the attention but I watched as she turned that love into hate, and she wasn't the same anymore."

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