XIII - "Arena"

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The sand underneath your body and the waves syncing with your heartbeat with every crash onto the shore. The sun setting off into the horizon while you just absorb the last of the glow, the soft breeze that hits your skin and makes a couple of strands of your hair fall into your vision. The sea in front of you just goes on, and on, and on - holding more underneath the surface than you could tell. Creatures of different kinds, treasures with so much worth, and the sound of silence that puts your body at ease. All that you could imagine that is peaceful, relaxing, and breath taking.

Sadly, that's not where I'm at right now.

I have been training non stop for the past few hours, only leaving me three hours to rest my muscles until the fight. Kai and the others had to run to a couple of meetings and assured me that they'd be back before I knew it, so I have been occupied with the punching bag and the rest of the gym since.

Though, since I still do have a couple of hours to go, I might as well go ahead and call George while I take a shower.

I stripped myself of my damp attire and stepped under the water. I dialed George's number and started to wash my body.

G: Hello?
D: Hey! How's everything going dude?
G: Diamonds you are literally unbelievable this apartment is amazing!
D: Well don't you just love my crazy ideas?
G: I'm in love with them, thank you so much.
D: Of course honey, did you finish grocery shopping?
G:Just got back a few minutes ago and got enough food to last me years!
D: Ahah, and that's all that matters George
G: You're literally the best Diamonds I can't thank you enough

"Diamonds?" A deep voice bellowed from what I assume is the doorway.

D: No need George, just remember what I said, got to go! Love you byee!
G: Bye!

"Diamonds?" The voice asked getting closer. I grabbed my towel from the hook and wrapped it around my body- I poked my head out of the shower to see Kai leaning against my counter.

"Dude! What are you doing here? Wait - nevermind that, get out!" I yelled at him.

He chuckled, he fucking chuckled, "Don't be so over dramatic princess, just wanted to see how you were doing after today's training. We just came back from the meeting and-"

"You know I would love to know how your meeting went but could you just wait in my room please until I'm done?" I asked sarcastically. He raised his hands up by his head in a surrending position before closing the bathroom door behind him.

I quickly finished my shower and dried my self off before realizing I didn't bring any clothes in with me. I grunted at my stupidity and wrapped a towel around my body as I stepped out of the bathroom and walked over to my closet.

Kai was still sitting on my bed as he continued to speak, "So anyways, we had just gotten back from a meeting and we brought some food for you if you want any."

At the mention of food I absentmindedly ran out of my closet and stared at Kai wide eyed, "Did you just say food?" I asked hopefully.

He looked up from his phone but did a double take on my body - I looked down and realized I was half naked and kind of froze in my spot. After a few seconds he cleared his throat and spoke up, "P-princess..." Did he just? No he did not! The big bad gang leader just fucking stuttered! Oh hell, it's really once in a blue moon huh?

He stood up from the bed and started walking towards me, while my feet were still glued to the ground. He stopped a few inches in front of me and looked deep into my eyes before trailing his fingers against my tattoo. His touch dragged all the way down to my hands and he lifted it up to kiss the back of my hand, still maintaining eye contact.

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