V - "I Fucking Ran"

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I felt like I was dying.

My eyelids had kept repeatedly been drooping down ever since I stepped foot in this school. It was now lunch and I sat in my usual spot trying to study some notes for history; my next class. Apparently, Ms. Davidson thinks it's such a good idea to see how much we have learned from our previous year. Like that was our P R E V I O U S year! Now see, I'm a usual straight A student, but today is just NOT my day.

I stayed out all night just to avoid a scolding from the boys, hell, I even waited until they left the house for school so I could get ready myself. I ended up coming just in time for my second period and avoided getting a detention since the doors were unlocked from the outside. The boys have been eyeing me all day today but all I've been doing was ignoring them and acting like I was totally fine, which I wasn't.

Right now, the boys haven't sat down yet at their usual table, but I don't mind it, at least I can get some shut eye before they start getting suspicious-

"Hey precious!"

Ugh, spoke too soon...

I lifted my head up in annoyance and acted like I had a lot of energy still in my system when the boys suddenly sat down at my little isolated island of a table. Liam and Blake sat on either side of me while Kai sat right across from me. I raised an eyebrow at all of them which they returned with a small chuckle.

This day can't possibly get any worse...

I looked around the cafeteria to see everybody's heads were turned towards my table and looks of shock and confusion were written all over their faces. What the hell was happening right now? Why were these boys here? Why would they drive this much attention towards me? Are they stupid?

"So, wanna tell us where you ran off to last night?" Kai asked in a stern tone. I scoffed sarcastically at him which only made his face turn red with frustration.

"Step sissy, now don't make this so hard on yourself alright? Why don't you just tell us where you've been for the past two nights and we won't bother you, good?" Is my step brother really trying to negotiate with me? I never liked negotiating with people, I don't even like talking to people for Christ's sake, what more of negotiating?

I smirked at how he was trying to get me to talk, but he knew as much as I did that I wouldn't. That's why they're here in the first place, right? Because I won't talk?

It seemed like my silent treatment had irritated them because all of a sudden Blake stood up in frustration, "EVERYBODY GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE!"

And in a single breath, everybody started exiting the cafeteria like mice scurrying away from being caught in the light. I started standing up from my seat but was held down by Blake, "Oh no, not you precious," ugh now he was just sounding like Gollum from Lord Of The Rings.

I sat back down and continued eating my food as the boys stared at me. I made an expression that told them, 'what? '

"We're not gonna ask you again, where were you for the last few nights?" Kai hissed.

I pulled out my phone and went to notes and typed in my answer. I handed it to Blake who read it out loud, " 'I went to the 24hr gym' " he read. I didn't tell him a lie, I just didn't tell him the full truth. I took my phone back from Blake and typed in another message and handed it to Liam, " 'Now stop asking fucking questions,' " he read out loud. I snatched my phone away from him and started making my way back to class.

After that whole fiasco, it was like I was struck by lightning because of how awake I suddenly felt. I aced my history quiz and copied notes for science like I had never done before, which now leaves me with my free period. As I was putting all of my books away since we weren't assigned any homework, I got a phone call from an unknown number. I looked around to see if it was anybody in particular when my eyes landed on the boys.

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