IV - "I Will Not Give In"

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I pulled up into the garage at 7:00 p.m. after I had gotten back from the mall. I'll admit I'm quite the shopaholic if you ask me and I could go a little intense on the stores there. I didn't buy things for me only though, I bought some things for my mom as well because I'm not actually THAT selfish.

I grab my bags from the trunk and head inside the dark house. The garage door slamming behind me kind of made me jump because it was so silent when I entered. The house was dark but nonetheless I walked up to my bedroom to set my things down. I pushed my door open and turned on the lights and jumped as I saw the three boys in my room.

Kai was sitting on my bed while Liam was waiting by the window and the blonde, wow I really need to learn his name soon, was sitting in my desk chair. They all eyed me suspiciously as I walked further into the room and closed my door. I decided to ignore them and instead walked over to my walk in closet to set my bags down. They all watched me as I walked into the bathroom to wash my face and walk back out to my phone.

I put an order online for pizza because I was too lazy to cook and looked up to the boys. They were still glaring at my bored expression and I waited for them to explain what was going on.

As if Liam was reading my confusion he blurted out, "Where were you last night?"

Oh fucking shit

I tensed up at the question but immediately shook it off with a shrug.

"Diamonds you better fucking talk because we're not going to be chasing you around the city all night," the blonde demanded. I stood there not intimidated by him until Kai stood up and stalked closer to me. When he was hovering over me I kept my head down as I did this whole time and looked at my shoes nervously.

I felt his finger brush my hair out of my face and behind my ear, he then dragged his fingertip across my cheek, and outlined my jaw until it stopped under my chin. He slowly lifted my head up but I turned away before he could look at my face. Now why would he do that? He didn't need to look at my face, why now? He shouldn't look at me, I don't want him to look at me, he actually might think I'm ugly. Ugh here I am thinking that some guy would imagine me as ugly, I shouldn't care what he would think.

The doorbell rang and I immediately rushed out of my room and to the front door to get my pizza.

I shut the door behind me and carried the two boxes to the kitchen, ignoring the boys walking down the stairs to follow me. I grabbed a plate from the cabinet and started digging into my pizza as I walked over to the living room to watch TV. Soon the boys joined me with slices of their own and watched a boxing match with me on the flat screen.

During the break I went to go get more pizza with the guys in tow. After they had gotten their slice I stayed behind and grabbed a water bottle. When I turned back around I was met with a hard chest and accidentally crashed into it. After balancing myself I looked up to see Kai staring right at me already. He put his hands on each side of my head so I was trapped between him and the fridge. Our close proximity made my heart beat quicken since I've never been so close to a guy before.

This whole time with glaring into each other's eyes, ignoring our heart beats that are about to leap out of our chests in any second. I then smirked and went under his arm, got my plate, and went back to the living room. Kai came back in a couple seconds after me and he was just staring at me. I sat in the corner of the L shaped sofa and watched the men in amusement on the screen.

During the second half a phone went off and started ringing. All of their heads snapped to me as I cautiously answered it.

"Gold," ugh why did Williams have to call me now? Nice fucking timing dude.

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