XXXVII - "Decorating"

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After many hours of doing paperwork, a knock on my door pulled me out of my workaholic trance, "Come in," I replied without looking up.

I heard the door open and a sign escape their lips, "Oh thank God, I thought someone had broke into the base since it wasn't your car outside," Joe said as he sat down onto the old leather seat.

I chuckled and continued writing, "Nope, just using those cars more often now since I'm living there," I explained.

"That's good boss, who's the kid?" He asked gesturing to a sleeping George.

"Hey, I'm a kid," I pointed out.

"Yeah, but you're also my boss. And you wouldn't like it if I called you a kid right?" He reasoned with a 'look'.

"Yeah- we- you-," after miserably failing of trying to find a comeback I gave up, "shut up."

He laughed at his victory and I rolled my eyes, "He's family. Came to see me in action, why are you here so early? It's only 8:00 a.m.?"

He sighed and ran a hand down his face, "Well, better here than not, am I right?" He asked as he shrugged his shoulders.

"Right. By the way I need you to run down and take care of the meth shipment from Ukraine and check on our construction company as well. Make sure their getting their full payments because they seem a little low here," I said gesturing to some papers of the business.

"Got it boss-"

"Oh and make sure Richard gets the file of the gun trafficking and talks to the breeders of our cocaine shipment from Japan, good?" I added in.

"Yes boss-"

"Oh and Joe?" I asked innocently.

"Yes boss?" He asked with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

"Just wanted to tease you," I giggled. He rolled his eyes and walked out the door to his office. My eyes shifted to George who was sitting on the sofa wide awake now. I grabbed a bottle from my mini fridge and passed it to him. He caught it skillyfully and gulped down all the contents of the bottle.

"Let's go get food dude," I said as I started cleaning everything up.

He got up and started moving towards me, "You really do have everything under control here."

"Do I take that as a compliment or a comment?" I asked confused.

"Both, I guess," he chuckled.

Soldier, George, and I went down the stairs and towards the car so we could head to the cafe. I've missed hanging out with George, it was almost as if I forgot how close we actually were. And the good part is, we could spend so much time away from each other but still talk as if we didn't even go a minute without talking. It's one of my favorite things we do and I remember some people being envious of our friendship since we still held onto each other, even after he graduated. Especially the fact that he had always put me first instead of his girlfriends whenever they would insult me. He's so overprotective of people being negative towards me and it's one of the reasons why I call him my brother, because he loves me just like one.

During breakfast, George and I had cracked up jokes of old memories when we were kids, and we even messed around in some stores a little bit. We bought some things for the house; groceries, bed accessories, etc. It was all so fun with George being by my side, he brings me back to my old self whenever I feel like I had lost it, and these are one of those times.

"So do you plan on going to college?" George asked as we walked down the aisles for the groceries.

"Of course, why would you think otherwise?" I asked surprised.

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