IX - "Heart Of Gold"

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Kai dropped me off near the side while he went to go park Robin in a secluded spot. I rushed over to William's office, afraid I had been late, but once I stepped inside he looked happier than ever, "Gold! Honey, let's get straight to the point since you don't have much time, $15,000 and a new car, crazy isn't it!?" He yelled excitedly as he saw me enter his office.

"What car?" I asked almost immediately. Who would be stupid enough to bid a car? I mean, how stupid would you be to disregard a source of transportation? People of the 21st century are something else.

"Lamborghini Murcielago SV, very high price and excellent condition. Worth the fight, no?" He mischievously smirked.

"That's insane!" I yelled in what sounded like a protest which made Williams face drop before I continued, "but that's so worth it!" I jumped excitedly as I ran towards the locker room to get ready.

After a little bit of warming up I slipped off my hoodie and strapped my mask onto my face when I heard the knock on the door, signalling for me to come out. I jumped up excitedly one last time before I rushed out to the ring.

I had made it just in time for the announcer to call my name, "And our undefeated nation wide champion, GOLD!"

I calmly climbed onto the ring trying to surpress my excitement. My opponent was a buff guy, I wouldn't be surprised if he had 200lbs of muscle on him, but like always, never judge a book by its cover.

The bell rung and immediately the guy lunged at me, jabbing me in the gut. I hunched over in pain which gave him the perfect chance to send a kick to my face, but I quickly grabbed his ankle and twisted and turned so I was now behind him. I took advantage of his unsteadiness and tripped his other leg which caused him to fall onto his stomach. I immediately took his arm and pinned him down, hoping he'd tap out before I might end up killing this guy.

Unfortunately, he took ahold of my hair with his other hand and pulled me to the ground, he immediately stood up and tried sending a kick to my face but I rolled over just in time, missing it by a centimeter. I stood back onto my feet and got back into my original fighting stance with the audience roaring chants.

He tried sending another hit to my cheek, but I grabbed his fist just in time which must've caught him off guard so I sent a right hook to his jaw, causing him to stumble back. I sent jab after jab, hook after hook, and I added in a couple of uppercuts while I was at it. He leaned back against the ropes and I took this as my chance to finally loosen him up a little more. I backed up a little for space, and before he could react, I jumped up and pushed my feet off of his chest which made me arch into a backflip. Once he was hunched over holding onto his chest, I tilted his head up to look at me and I rewarded him with a swing to the temple, leaving him unconscious.

The crowd was counting down as I wiped the blood off of my face. When they got down to one, the crowd boomed with more volume than before, so loud I couldn't hear the referee calling out that I had won. Once he let go of my wrist I hopped off and was met with another round of pats on my back and even a couple handshakes here and there.

I stumbled into the locker room and bent over the sink, I removed my hand from my stomach where he had punched, only to be met with a huge bruise that covered my whole side. I turned the handle for the shower and set up my clothes until it had turned warm. I stripped myself of my attire and let the warm water engulf my body and wash away my sweat. I was gentle with my bruise when I had brushed my hand over it but continued to bathe myself a little quicker this time.

That man, I could've possibly killed him. I could've possibly put him into a coma with how much force I put onto his temple. Do I regret it? No. Do I feel guilt? No. In this life you have to learn to not feel sympathetic towards your hurting opponents because they will take advantage of your kindness and use it against you. You could be saying 'yes' to all the wrong people and you wouldn't even know it because you were deceived by their affection. If you hurt, then you hurt. There's no 'what ifs' and no 'buts' there is only pain. We know what we're getting ourselves into, we know we are getting paid to risk our lives. We know all of this, we are not blinded by anything, you have to be blunt and straightforward which I admire about this illegal community. We don't have to lie to please others, the truth hurts but lying is even worse.

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