XI - "George"

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"It's moved to tomorrow..." Kai said as he sat down.

"What? I thought we had another week!" Blake exclaimed.

I shoved Liam's shoulder for an explanation, "Tomorrow you have to fight one of the Royal Aces." I nodded my head in understanding and went back to eating my food.

After the whole incident at the principal's office Kai went back to him and let him know we were taking a day off, surprisingly he obliged without any arguments-so right now we are in Subway enjoying our sandwiches. Kai stepped outside to take care of a phone call awhile ago but now I'm being informed of fighting tomorrow.

Well, now that I think about it - there is something that has been nagging at me since we left the school. I quickly pulled out my phone and handed it to Kai, " 'Why do the teachers at the school tolerate your actions?' well, they know that we're dangerous. They've seen our records, and I guess they don't want any trouble," he replied nonchalantly.

After our lunch I immediately sped home to intensify my training. I worked a bit on the punching bag, a 5-mile run, and even some basic workout routine. I could already hear you asking, "Wow, what's your motivation?" It's basic really. You take off all of your clothes and look at yourself in the mirror, if you don't like what you see, you change it. It's fun to be at a pool party but it hurts when you're the only one wearing a shirt, so you can either change now or never. I figured all of this out myself, nobody really knew how to take care of someone like me since I was so closed off except for my mother. But even then, half of the things I know today I learned by myself since I didn't want my mother to worry about little old me while she was working three jobs and taking care of tw- of me. When she was taking care of me.

After I came home from the gym I headed straight towards the kitchen for a bottle of water, only to be met with a very attractive, tattoo covered, muscly back. I swear back muscles are the hottest but what attracted me more was that they were making... *sniff*... making... *sniff* ... lasagna.
I think I found the love of my life, but that feeling immediately died when that chef turned around to face me.

"Like the view?," he said referring to his shirtless body. Son of a cocky bastard.

I cleared my throat and averted my gaze to his eyes, "No, just thinking about how much back fat you got there buddy," I retorted while going to the fridge.

"Oh really? Because it seems like you got a bit of drool there," he started reaching over to my lips before I slapped his hands away and looked at him in disgust, "Ugh! As if!" Damn, I feel like such a 'Clueless' girl right now. But also a bad bitch if you don't mind...

"Whatever princess, set the table would you?" Kai turned back around to make sure the lasagna was ready. I reached for the plates but pulled back at a realization, "What's the magic word?" I asked teasingly.

He turned back around and gave me a dead eye bitch look that screamed, 'are you serious?' I burst out in laughter and held onto my stomach. Somehow, between the laughter, I ended up rolling around on the floor, still laughing at the reaction he had given me.

A shirtless Liam and Blake also walked in and I quieted down my laughter just a bit before I began dying of laughter once again. Blake did the Sign of the Cross and looked over to Kai, "Want me to call the priest?" He whisper yelled in a frantic tone. I was laughing so hard you couldn't hear me for a couple of seconds before my laughter once again filled the room, "And right when I got my hopes up that she died down," Liam mumbled.

After a couple of more seconds I finished laughing and stood up with a big grin on my face, still trying to surpress my laughter. When I looked at the table it had already been set, pitchers of water were now in the dining room and the boys were now starting to sit down. I walked over to my seat at the head of the table and giggled a little more.

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